Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

Do You abuse DUROMINE?

  • No,i do as doctor told me

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • Yes , i take more then prescribed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Ok il not up the dosage so! I wanted to be put on 40mg as i new towards the end that 30mg wasn cuttin it, i work 12 hours a day on my feet the whole time so dont do much other exercise some nights i try force meself to d gym but i dont hav enough energy left at that stage! I drink 3/4 litres of water a day, im no good at counting calories, n im a very picky eater which is not good! So basically at 930am il have a banana at 1pm a apple and Banana, 430 pm grilled chk or lean steak with boiled potatoes, or a omelette erc
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I am really glad youre not going to double up on your tablets! Ok, maybe try a calorie counting website to take the hassle out of it. I use myfitnesspal. it has a huge database of food so usually all you have to do is look it up. Or from a phone you can scan barcodes too apparently. Portion size is important too, a serve of meat should be the size of your hand for example, a handful of nuts is one serve, a serving of cereal is 45grams etc.
But if that is all youre eating 3 pieces of fruit, one serve of protein and one veg you really should be losing weight. Maybe your dr should look at other reasons? I think thyroid and polycystic ovaries cause weight issues for example. Good luck x
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I started on 30mg D a month ago, however I still haven't finished the pack due to the side effects. I've lost 5kgs which is great. However I just can not sleep! On the day I take the duramine I get between 2-3 hours sleep that night. It doesn't matter if I take it at 6am or 4am which I had been doing. I took it for 2 weeks straight, but sleeping didn't go back to normal
My question is has anyone gone from 30mg to 15mg and still got results?
I took 2 30mg capsules once. I still had the same reduction in appetite. Didn't have any more energy, aaaaaand I didn't sleep for 2 nights! So, no I wouldn't recommend it.
I would say it will still work perhaps with less side effects. My sister is on 15 and she takes it in the morning and has no issue with sleeping. She does notice that her apathy for food lessen at night thought but that could be the habit of eating at night. I know i struggled with that when I first started.

Having a higher dosage doesn't necessarily mean you will lose more weight. It's about finding the right dosage that does suppress your appetite enough to have an effect on your eating habits.
I take duromine every 2nd day with daily exercise and i see a huge difference. .. for me it still works the same way! !
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I have the exact same problem as you, I can't sleep no matter how early I take my 30mg tablet. I was taking them at 4am and still couldn't sleep. My dr then prescribed me 15mg tablets. My sleep was better but I still made sure I took the tablet really early. I still found the 15mg worked but the weight loss was a bit slower. I haven't taken Duromine for 6 months now due to having shoulder surgery. I'm actually starting on them again tomorrow morning so I'm hoping I don't have any sleep issues. Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on.
Thanks guys. I will let you know how it goes xx
You could try eating more protein and good fats at each meal. It sounds like your body isn't getting enough nutrients so it's making you hungry. You can have a low-cal diet and still eat properly. Fill up on veggies with the protein and good fats and remember to eat regularly and take your Duromine with food. Good luck.
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Leisa how are you going? Did you get the script?
Hi :) I've been reading so many of these and finally decided to join.

Now Im on my 15th day on 30mg.

I've so far lost 3.5kgs :(

I walk 6kms every second day and the days I don't walk I clean my house and walk 4kms just doing that and I also do some exercises from an app on my phone, I have been eating so healthy. I have 3-4 meals a day and drink about 1 and a half litres of water :( I've read so many forums seeing a 5kg loss in one week.. I don't know what I'm doing wrong..

Oh also the only side effect that I have got is dry mouth..

I can literally nap during the day if I wanted to which I don't think is right :(

Do you think this dose isn't right for me and up it to 40mg?

If anyone could tell me their experience with upping their dosage I'd be forever greatful!
Im on 30mg too, i havent had the great weightloss like everyone else, i sleep fine and also only have dry mouth.
How much weight do you have to loose? if not alot then that could be it as well. i have about 26kgs to loose and i have lost 1.5kgs in the last week, Also maybe your current diet isnt the best one for you. i was eating no carbs and no fat and no sugar, had like fruit, and that was my only cheat, with that i lost nothing, i have added carbs back into my diet, removed fruit and upped my water intake to about 3l a day, and this seems to be working for me.

Good Luck and wish you nothing but success with your journey! :)
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Hello! Thank you for replying! I have also about 25kgs to lose! And it just doesn't want to budge.

In the mornings I'll have my coffee but have cut down to one sugar.. Breakfast I'll have an omelette or a poached egg on toast..
For snacks I'll either have a piece of fruit with some crackers or I will have some low fat yoghurt and if I'm still peckish I'll have some unsalted peanuts..

And then dinner I'll have salad with fish, chicken , or a small portion of meat :)

I've only recently upped my water as I hate water and have since I was young :(

I hope this works for me as no matter how hard I tried before nothing worked :(

Good luck to you as well and I hope you reach your goal :)
LishKlar said:
Hi :) I've been reading so many of these and finally decided to join.

Now Im on my 15th day on 30mg.

I've so far lost 3.5kgs :(

I walk 6kms every second day and the days I don't walk I clean my house and walk 4kms just doing that and I also do some exercises from an app on my phone, I have been eating so healthy. I have 3-4 meals a day and drink about 1 and a half litres of water :( I've read so many forums seeing a 5kg loss in one week.. I don't know what I'm doing wrong..

Oh also the only side effect that I have got is dry mouth..

I can literally nap during the day if I wanted to which I don't think is right :(

Do you think this dose isn't right for me and up it to 40mg?

If anyone could tell me their experience with upping their dosage I'd be forever greatful!
Hi, LishKlar
How much do you want to lose? What's your current weight/height? Because it depends. If you have a lot of weight to lose, than things usually go faster, but if not, than like Evergreen just said - that could be the problem. Personally, I don't think that your weight loss is slow, because small but steady weight loss results are the best for your body. The very first thing I say to newbies - do not watch at other people's results. I don't think you need 40mg yet. Just give it a go and I am sure your results will increase.
Have a good day!
At least you know you not the only one thats moving at snails pace.... and i have an op in april so i was hoping to drop alot faster than i am. its super depressing. but im trying to remind myself that any progress is progress even if its slow, its frustrating but im doing all i can. i really hope that you can stay motivated. 1 day at a time :)
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:)Im 23 my start weight was 99kgs and I'm 162cms tall! :(

I know I shouldn't watch other peoples results but it is just so tempting to see how everyone went! :)

Thank you Kate I think I'll hold off for a while longer and see how I go.. Fingers crossed it just keeps going. I'll be devastated if it doesn't work.

Evergreen at least we can be snails together and keep each other updated on how we are going!

I hope your op goes well and I hope you get the results you want before your op :)
Ooh and sorry I want to lose 25 KGS! :) I have a long road ahead of me!
That's still a good weight loss on15 days though! Your food diet looks good too, so just give it time. I had a good week on week 1 and the other times it's only been about 1.5 kg each week. I know how disappointing it can be though. I recently went to Melbourne for the Aus open and ate really well while I was there and walked everywhere. I was expecting a huge loss on my return home but only lost 1kg !! You have to shrug it off though and keep going. Soon you'll notice your clothes will fit differently and you'll realise it's happening. It just takes time. Good luck !
Hi so I am currently weighing at 85.6kg and have been on the 15mg dose for a week, today is my first day into the second week. So far I have lost 1 kilo but my weight constantly goes up and down even though I am exercising and watching what I eat.
I feel as though the dose I am taking may be too low for me and was wondering what are everyone's thoughts on the 30mg?
I'm scared of taking a stronger dose because of the high heart rate risk. But with the 15mg dose I still get hungry about 4 hours after drinking it. That even after having a light meal.
im on 30mg and i love it i have no problems severe ones anyway i sometimes cant sleep at night but that only tells me i didnt burnenough energy today so i work out more like today i did 2 hours
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