Weight Loss Motivation



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Nov 21, 2013
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. Don't aim for perfect, rather aim to do a little bit better today than you did yesterday:laughing:!
Hope you all have a blessed Easter, and stay away from too many Easter eggs!:p:laughing:
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Well what a weekend it has been. T&C calls this the walk of shame and today it really does live up to it's name.
I have had the biggest cheat weekend ever and made sure I got in all the carbs I've been craving. A few of my friends suggested that I give my body a shock because the weight is standing still so I did exactly that - went a little overboard but it was a good weekend non the less. I actually enjoyed a weekend with my friend and didn't make her feel guilty every time she ate something. I had toasted cheeses, pasta, mash, crisps on bread with mayo and didn't even go for a run. I had enough bad carbs to last me a year but I enjoyed it, I didn't eat any sweet thing because my sweet tooth is still missing and I'm not complaining.

Before getting onto the scale this morning I knew what would happen and I was very prepared for it. I know what my mistakes were this weekend and I have accepted it even before seeing my number.
I gained a full kilo by misbehaving as badly as what I did and the funny thing about it, is that I am completely okay with it. I knew that is what would happen but I won't let it stop me from carrying on. My journey is a long way from over and I am not going to let 1 kilo mess up the 21 kilos I have already lost.

I know that it's the most depressing thing ever when you see that you have gained but remembering what you have lost and how hard you have worked for the shed kilos should be some great motivation to pick yourself up and start again.

So today we are starting a new chapter - week 1 of getting mind right lol
I will work hard and get back to my normal eating routine and who knows by the end of the week I might have lost the 1 kilo I gained.

Hope you all are having fantastic results.

SW 138.9kg
CW 117.3kg
GW 75kg
Total Lost 21.6kg
To go 42.3kg
We are only human and at times we will fall..the thing is to get back up and not let that fall over whelm us...
Congratulations on you weight loss..great job..how long has it taken ...
Today is a new day...
Wow impressive weight loss :) glad you enjoyed your weekend. We all need that every now and again. Your resolve is strong, I have no doubt you got this!!!
Hi there. Thank you very much. I didn't think it would be easy to get back onto this horse but surely enough I feel great today and still making great choices. My total weight loss so far has taken me 11 weeks from start to today.
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At first I was worried about you...but then I saw you actually knew what you should expect from your 'post-weekend diet', so I am glad you are now back on track again. Yes, I think sometimes we should let ourselves some freedom if we want to do something 'forbidden' LOL
Especially given your total loss, you kinda deserved some reward :laughing:
Just make sure it doesn't become a regular thing, so that you will not regret later...
That's fantastic...keep going...
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Yes I know I promised myself not to get onto the scale before the official weigh in day but I just couldn't stop myself. I had to see if I have lost that scaly little one kilo I pick up over the last weekend and I am HAPPY to report it is GONE..... YAY!!!!!!:p:laughing:
Can't wait to get onto that scale on Monday morning to see the full weeks' progress..... Starting my weekend like that is a fantastic motivator. WHOOOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!
yay!!! :) good stuff
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I actually read this somewhere today. Need to keep this in mind at all times!!
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A little while ago some people struggled with e depression and asked if they could take D with their Depression meds, this is article is very informative if you are thinking of stopping your Depression meds while on D..IT has nothing to do with Duromine, just alternative foods etc that you can try ..please take a moment to read, very motivating and encouraging indeed ..
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... Superwoman!! (Minus The Lycra.... For Now)
I can resist naughty food faster than a speeding bullet & I feel like I can leap tall buildings in a single bound! ;)
Seriously though, I don't get tired (but still sleep 7 hours)
I'm happy and energetic (not a single mood swing to be found!)
I have to REMIND myself to eat! (How is this real?!)
Please don't ever leave me Duromine! :laughing::p
After reaching my first mini goal of losing 5kgs, I have decided my second mini goal will be to loose another 6 kgs during the time I'm on my second round of duromine 30 mgs.

If i can make my mini goal I will have lost 12 kgs in total and be under that dreaded 100 kg mark!! I will also be 1/4 into achieving my ultimate goal weight.

What is your current mini goal? Let's keep in touch to monitor progress and keep us on track.

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