Weight Gain When Stopping Duromine?

Hey guys! A quick update! So I am on day 12! So far so good I do definitely have days where I can feel a little spacey or light headed but I just make sure I have something to eat, I have noticed a couple times that I have become a little anxious but it passes. But besides that everything is pretty okay! I have started at 78.9 and today I weigh 74.8! So things are going great.

The only thing that has been stressing me is when I do stop duromine, I’m worried about weight gain, obviously getting off of duromine your body has to get used to being off it, I don’t mind if it’s a tiny weight gain, that’s normal which I understand but I don’t want it to be a great amount. Any tips on how to keep the weight off?
Thanks guys! You are such an amazing, helpful bunch!
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Hey! I went off duromine late last year and found over xmas i gained back around 2-3kgs. I think it was mainly due to me thinking, oh well i havent eaten this particular thing in a while and i ended up eating multiple meals a week that were not ideal. Also thinking 'its the holidays why not treat myself' influenced it as well!

In order to maintain body weight, it simply is about balancing calorie intake and exercise (for me anyway!). I find that doing things such as saying i will eat very healthy Mon-Friday and then relax slightly on the weekend works. Or give myself small rewards for good behaviour (i.e. extra training sessions i reward with a small chocolate or something). A friend of mine works off allowing herself one 'cheat' meal each week where she can eat something unhealthy. Another thing is to make sure portion size stays reasonable - i found eating out or with other people alot that they were putting way too much in a portion. My stomach would adjust to whatever size i was eating, so if i continuously ate large portions then i would start to want large serves. Likewise if i get used to eating small amounts, then i tend to get full earlier.

I was able to recently re-lose the weight i put on after counting my calories again using the myfitness app and upping my exercise. I am now actually below the weight i was when i first finished the duromine!
Beth said:
Hey! I went off duromine late last year and found over xmas i gained back around 2-3kgs. I think it was mainly due to me thinking, oh well i havent eaten this particular thing in a while and i ended up eating multiple meals a week that were not ideal. Also thinking 'its the holidays why not treat myself' influenced it as well!

In order to maintain body weight, it simply is about balancing calorie intake and exercise (for me anyway!). I find that doing things such as saying i will eat very healthy Mon-Friday and then relax slightly on the weekend works. Or give myself small rewards for good behaviour (i.e. extra training sessions i reward with a small chocolate or something). A friend of mine works off allowing herself one 'cheat' meal each week where she can eat something unhealthy. Another thing is to make sure portion size stays reasonable - i found eating out or with other people alot that they were putting way too much in a portion. My stomach would adjust to whatever size i was eating, so if i continuously ate large portions then i would start to want large serves. Likewise if i get used to eating small amounts, then i tend to get full earlier.

I was able to recently re-lose the weight i put on after counting my calories again using the myfitness app and upping my exercise. I am now actually below the weight i was when i first finished the duromine!

Oh awesome!! Thankyou heaps.
Yeah my portion sizes are crazy small now! I’m telling you I could eat! Clean the plate up maybe even more , but now I stick to a small dinner/bread plate or a bowl.
I just eat a lot differently, I’m not even tempted to eat some chips and I have 2 bags sitting in the cupboard! and I could easily eat a bag to myself!
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So I did pretty well in the first 2 weeks with a loss of 2.6 and 2.8kg. Then in the third week my weight went up and down all week with a total of a 400g loss by the end of the week. So far this week I have gained 100g each day and it is really starting to get to me.

I have continued to eat healthy and have stayed below my daily calorie limit, I have increased my exercise and I have been finishing my eating period by 7pm at the latest (I go to bed at about 11-11:30pm), I’ve also cut out using salt.

Has anyone’s weighloss stalled? Did you do anything to pick it back up again or did it sort itself out? How long did it take?

I’m not really sure what I can do and I’m worried that if despite my efforts I don’t start seeing losses again I’m going to loose motivation to try. I have never had this happen before, even without the use of duromine unless I had a bad day of eating but these last 3 and a bit weeks have been the strictest I have been with eating in my life.

I have done so much googling and everything says that if I am staying under my calorie allowance then I should be loosing weight so I really don’t know what is going on with me.
Hello, dear. So sorry that the situation doesn’t go the way we would all want it to go… Why did you stop using salt? Did your doctor tell you to do so?

In addition, if you have been under the calorie allowance in your menu for a long time, you might need to increase your daily consumed calories by 20% for a couple of days and then resume the diet. It might help jump-start the weight loss.

Please, do everything you can to stay motivated! You’ve been working so much for three weeks. Are you sure that you are ready to back down and throw away all the efforts and results? I don’t think so… Stay strong! Have a successful week!
April said:
Hello, dear. So sorry that the situation doesn’t go the way we would all want it to go… Why did you stop using salt? Did your doctor tell you to do so?

In addition, if you have been under the calorie allowance in your menu for a long time, you might need to increase your daily consumed calories by 20% for a couple of days and then resume the diet. It might help jump-start the weight loss.

Please, do everything you can to stay motivated! You’ve been working so much for three weeks. Are you sure that you are ready to back down and throw away all the efforts and results? I don’t think so… Stay strong! Have a successful week!

Hi April, thanks for the link. That’s pretty much why I stopped using salt because everyone kept telling me that it’s bad whilst trying to loose weight because of water retention. I’m pretty happy to hear that I can go back to using it.

I actually went over my calorie limit yesterday by a little bit because I’ve come down with the flu and really wanted a frozen coke, which by the time I made it out to get one it was dinner time and I was in no mood to go home and cook so I grabbed a cheeseburger as well. I had accepted that I would see a gain today due to eating fast food but to my surprise I was down 200g. I had planned to try and at least meet my calorie limit today but I’ve been feeling even worse today so I have barely eaten and I haven’t exercised at all today so will see how that affects my results tomorrow but whatever happens I’ve decided not to take it to heart. Going to try and have some dinner shortly but I really have no desire to eat at the moment.

I am definitely not ready to back down. Despite the lack of losses and some gains when I wrote that post yesterday I was just feeling a bit emotional about it. At the end of the day I’m not craving bad food and don’t really look at food as anything more then a necessity we need to survive so I don’t feel like I am at risk of going on a binge or anything. It’s more so the exercising side of things, I’m still not thrilled about working out the only thing that makes it worth it and makes me feel good is when I see losses on the scales so to see gains made me want to give up on that a bit but after today and basically being a couch potato wrapped in a blanket I have realised that being more active and exercising has actually been helping with my back pain I had before. I hadn’t really thought about it but today was the first day I have had more then slight back pain since starting duromine and it is also the first day since starting that I haven’t been active or done any exercise at all. I mean it could be partially related to having the flu and having aches and pains but I’m choosing to look at it like exercising is helping. Just hope I am not sick for too long so I can get back into it.

I apologise if anything didn’t make sense or is muddled up or if I missed anything, I usually proof read things before I post but I’m finding it very hard to concentrate.
If you're sick, give your body the rest it needs to get better. And stop beating yourself up about all the things you think you 'should' be doing. Give yourself permission to rest and recover. Treat yourself like you would a sick child. Be kind to you.
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How many calories are you eating?
Do your bmr it will tell you.
I try and get in 1500-1600 a day although my bmr says I should be eating 1700.
It may seem like a lot but our bodies need this to lose weight efficiently.
I lost 10 kilos on a 1600 cal food intake just fine.
Maybe your body needs more fuel especially since you’ve upped your exercise?
And sometimes we just plateau and it can last for weeks.
Duromine was the only way i have ever been able to shift my weight after 2 months on 30mg, i got to my goal weight for the first time in 15 years. I am 145cm 4" 9 tall with a small frame and was 89kg at my largest. I felt great my mood lifted i felt healthy and i loved my new found confidence since stopping Duromine a month ago i am back to being hungry ALL the time im bingeing on sweet food and gaining weight at a rapid rate and my depression is also coming back so im worried that i have to be really fat again before the dr will give me another script all i want to do is maintain what i have lost and only use the duromine on my really bad days this is getting me so down i just think my journey was short and temporary. CAN duromine be used in a controlled way to maintain the weight lost once the goal weight is achieved?
Unless you work through setting healthy eating habits and exercise (easy as walking) three time a week while on the duromine, when going off you and everyone gains weight and sometimes more than before. Duromine is wonderful for curbing the appetite so once you stop taking it you have to switch to healthy snacks otherwise it's constantly going to be a yoyo weight gain for you... If you crave sweet try natural fruits bananas, Strawberries, small peice of dark chocolate, blueberries. Ect. Bonnie13
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Determined93 said:
So I did pretty well in the first 2 weeks with a loss of 2.6 and 2.8kg. Then in the third week my weight went up and down all week with a total of a 400g loss by the end of the week. So far this week I have gained 100g each day and it is really starting to get to me.

I have continued to eat healthy and have stayed below my daily calorie limit, I have increased my exercise and I have been finishing my eating period by 7pm at the latest (I go to bed at about 11-11:30pm), I’ve also cut out using salt.

Has anyone’s weighloss stalled? Did you do anything to pick it back up again or did it sort itself out? How long did it take?

I’m not really sure what I can do and I’m worried that if despite my efforts I don’t start seeing losses again I’m going to loose motivation to try. I have never had this happen before, even without the use of duromine unless I had a bad day of eating but these last 3 and a bit weeks have been the strictest I have been with eating in my life.

I have done so much googling and everything says that if I am staying under my calorie allowance then I should be loosing weight so I really don’t know what is going on with me.

Remember if you're exercising you're going to gain weight because muscle weights more than fat! I dont use scales..I use measurements and clothes..try putting on an old pair of pants so see how they're fitting..the scale may be up but that pants say otherwise!
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