Weight Gain When Stopping Duromine?



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Jul 13, 2014
Hi ya, I've just started a week ago on 15mg & have lost 2 kilos already. I'm quite worried that when I stop taking duromine I will put the weight back on & if not more.
I was always told the faster you lose weight the faster you put it back on.
Has anyone put weight back on when stopping? Thanks
Hi Lulu, I have used Duromine several times and I can tell you that the weight will not come back on if you continue to eat smaller portions of food. You will notice a weight gain of 1-2 pounds but that's only natural since your body is adjusting to not having the duromine. The only way you will gain your weight is if you go back to eater larger portions of food and lots of it. Duromine is a good way to get yourself started in making the right food choice and smaller portions. Make sure you drinks plenty of water. I hope this helps you. Can you please tell me where you bought your Duromine on line. I live in Australia and need to buy some but don't know which site to trust.
Thanking you in advance.
excuse the misspelling I just reread my post :)
After you done with Duromine just contiune to be healthy and avoid fast food!! Always remember how hard it is to lose weight , and how much hard work you put in to lose it. Just tell yourself no iam not going back there again and again, keep active keep healthy you should be fine.

Good luck take care
Thank you for you advice. Sorry I live in NZ & my doctor prescribed it.

alimimi said:
Hi Lulu, I have used Duromine several times and I can tell you that the weight will not come back on if you continue to eat smaller portions of food. You will notice a weight gain of 1-2 pounds but that's only natural since your body is adjusting to not having the duromine. The only way you will gain your weight is if you go back to eater larger portions of food and lots of it. Duromine is a good way to get yourself started in making the right food choice and smaller portions. Make sure you drinks plenty of water. I hope this helps you. Can you please tell me where you bought your Duromine on line. I live in Australia and need to buy some but don't know which site to trust.
Thanking you in advance.

alimimi said:
Hi Lulu, I have used Duromine several times and I can tell you that the weight will not come back on if you continue to eat smaller portions of food. You will notice a weight gain of 1-2 pounds but that's only natural since your body is adjusting to not having the duromine. The only way you will gain your weight is if you go back to eater larger portions of food and lots of it. Duromine is a good way to get yourself started in making the right food choice and smaller portions. Make sure you drinks plenty of water. I hope this helps you. Can you please tell me where you bought your Duromine on line. I live in Australia and need to buy some but don't know which site to trust.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Lulu, I think weight gain of up to 3 kg is normal after duromine but you can still continue to loose weight even after duromine. When i went off 40mg i continued to lose weight and even managed a 4kg weightloss without duromine. So it is quite possible to maintain your loss or even loose more. I have now gained back nearly all the weight i lost on duromine BUT this is because i stopped my diet and exercise and was eating junk every other day. I say duromine is excellent for weightloss but you will have to adopt and maintain a new approach to diet and exercise during and after duromine.
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Sorry I'm new to this and it won't let me start a new conversation. I was just wondering if anyone knows how overweight you have to be for or your doctor to give you a prescription for duromine? I probably weigh about 75kgs now after having my first baby ( I'm normally only 55kgs) and I feel horrible I've really tried to lose weight but it's so hard with a 6 month old and working pretty much full time. So basically just want to know whether I would qualify?!
Hi, Hannah.
You can use BMI calculator to find out your body mass index.
Like THIS one
If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over you are considered obese. Duromine is prescribed to overweight people with BMI 27 and higher and obese people. Well, it also depends on the doctor. Some doctors may not give you the prescriptiob even if you are obese.
Hi All,
So ive been on duromine now for just over 2 weeks and today i had my follow up appointment with the dr. I discussed with him the side-effects i was having (mainly dry mouth and very little sleep) and then he put me on the scales... I burst into tears... In just over 2 weeks i have PUT ON 5KGS!!!!!! I have changed everything about my lifestyle from more frequent exercise (low impact) healthy eating, smaller portions and drinking water. The dr wants me to continue for the remainder of the month to see how things go over the next 2 weeks... I am really starting to lose hope... This was my last attempt at losing weight as i have tried everything else under the sun to lose weight. Unfortunately i do not qualify for the gastric sleeve/banding surgery but according to my dr i need to lose 60kgs to get to my healthy weight range.. Does anyone have any ideas as to what else i can try?? I'm at my wits end... :(
You poor darling.....how disappointing for you. My heart was very sad for you. I know when I put on weight I get depressed. Another week is a new week. You must beat this challenge and have no more weight gain. Don't let it beat you.
Don't give up please.
Hopefully your doctor has answers. I don't sorry. I've just don't small portions in meals. I don't drink water and I should. I only exercise once a fortnight playing tennis. My weight loss is small portions so far. Good luck and I hope you get answers soon xx
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You poor thing I am so sorry for you :( I know the disappointment and sadness you feel gaining when you expect to lose - it's crushing. But I agree, you can't let this beat you! It's just another set back on your journey, but that doesn't mean the finish line has changed. You can do it & it sounds like you are doing everything right so WELL DONE!
I'm only on my 5th day and yet to weigh myself (too scared), but I feel like we here on this forum all feel your pain and are in the same boat! No one is struggling alone even if it feels that way. Don't give up hope, and keep up your good healthy lifestyle :)
Hi Everyone

I'm only on day 2 of my Duromine regimen, but I'm already feeling the effects of not obsessing about food. It's so nice not to look at food as the enemy. I've been reading about the dramatic weight loss stories on this forum and it gives me hope that maybe it can work for me. At the moment I'm 107 kgs with my ideal weight being 77 kg. Right now, that's a complete fantasy. I'd be ecstatic just getting down to 100kg.

My question is for those who have lost heaps of weight. After you stop taking the pills (I'm assuming you do eventually?), does the weight come back? I'm so petrified of maybe getting slim and then putting it all back on again.

Thanks in advance for any replies
Hi Audra, I am only in week three myself but I did read a post on here by a member named Vee which I found very comforting regarding gaining the weight mail.
Discussion in 'My Experience with Duromine' started by Vee, Apr 25, 2014
Hope you find it encouraging too :) x
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I'm scared of putting the weight back on too. But if you continue to eat as you were whilst on duramine and perhaps up your exercise. Also work on your willpower and do not forget how hard it was to lose the weight and that horrible feeling of being overweight. Maybe put a pic of yourself at your heaviest in the kitchen somewhere to help keep you in check. Also, if you have a bad food day just make up for it the next day. It's much easier to lose a kilo or two that have crept on, rather than 20, 30 or 40 kgs. Once down to your goal weight it is very important to keep track on the scales.
I think the answer is different for us all ,but I can only say that for most us , we do not want to put back the weight we have lost ,as it happens time and time again, this time you need to just make a choice, that your fat is not going to beat you this time round, and work on having a good head space as much as possible, as we al have negative days, but it is about using the tools you are given on this forum and the D ,that helps you sift through all your weak points on your past journeys. You need to be brutally honest with yourself ,this time Audra Blue, and know that it is not D, or oUr views ,or our challenges and goals that will KEEP you thin, when you leave, and are at goal weight , it is YOU that will keep you thin, and at goal weight and maintain it.we all slip up, it is an ongoing battle but one must get to a place ,and know that you will never just give up again and let it go back to what you were ,EVER again .. No one said it would be easy but only You can make this work for you for the rest of your life, there is more to this way of eating and exercise, it is not just the pill and a diet, but your mind and emotions that you need to work on and fight daily while losing your fat.. All the best to you .. you can do it, just make that change in your head and you set to go... Try to avoid the negative and failure in your head, before you have really started , baby steps girl !!! slow, steady ,maintain Balance, in your life and your body, as much as possible, this is my challenge to find Balance, and each week I get closer, I have had bad weeks and gr8 weeks, but each week is a success as my mind is getting stronger and i am coming to grips with myself ,the enemy, not food, not fat, but me and my mind,and my daily living, once we focuss on the cause of our weight issues, we overcome ALL other areas easier.. keep going .believe you can that's the key , :)
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Hi Leigh

Thank you for your inspiring words. You're absolutely right about making choices for myself. I'm hoping that by the time I'm ready to go off the pills, I'll have a completely different mind set and won't ever let myself get big again.
feel the same as you ;), we can do this :),we just need to be brave and fight it ,and give ourselves a chance instead of always fighting against it . I always have so much advice for others but can never seem to consistently apply to my life :(,and now I am trying my utmost to do so, because I am worth it ,right ? and so are you !! :laughing:
Hi Michelle , how are things going for you ?? Has your doctor advised you on the food choices you make ?or the kind of exercise you doing , and for how long ?Sometimes we think we have done so many drastic changes in our life that we forget we might be doing things that work against us instead of for us , like your exercise, maybe you could do 30 min plus , and get your heart rate up ,and even though you having smaller portions, are you eating too many fats, good fats that is, and maybe cut down on your carb intake just for a few days ,to confuse your body ..have you had your thyroid checked ? are you not maybe pregnant ?? lol just saying ... The body does crazy stuff.. keep going , and please go look at my blog I have a few sites there that explain body types and foods and exercise for those body types, it will help you to find what works for your body as best you can ... It will take some time for your body to adjust ,even though you a few steps behind now does not mean you will not move forward again , we here for you negative or positive, let us know how you doing ok ? hope your week is not to bad... :)
I put all the weight back on even though I followed the exact same active and healthy lifestyle and am now having to go back on Duromine as it is the only way I can keep the weight off.

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