Thank you guys for your postings!
I really enjoy reading how you all are going through this journey and see your success.
Some made small steps so far, the others (jDad;)) made a great step towards the desired goal, but the motivation and encouragement you give each other is priceless!!!

Love you guys:laughing:
Hey all!!! I am here!
So cool to see how your guys are losing and doing so well at it!! Well done struggle.. yes me too dry mouth and light headed, I still get this and I wake around 3am too and "struggle" to get back to sleep but I do get back to sleep so it's ok.
I gained 100gm last week... I don't know why maybe the exercise and muscle!! and to be honest it has knocked me this week and I've let some bad food back in so I'm not looking forward to the scales on tuesday :(
I know, silly me,,,, should not have been upset with basically a stay the same but ya know I'm human and still feel it...
I have also been really social too and tonight I'm going out for curry and drinks with work colleagues as we have a couple leaving so i'm not being really good there too.
But tomorrow is a new day and a new tablet!!! hahaha
Drinking? is this allowed, I did read somewhere not to do it? is it really bad or does it just not work if you drink? Kate???
Be great to know.
normally you guys come up in my emails but I had not got any email alerts of people posting I just assumed we got a bit quiet.
Flower you doing great and jDad awesome! into the 80's, can't wait for that.... I'm hoping to be in the 90's again by the end of June!! Bloody better be!
Take care all,
Mealies :)

Yep gotta do the smiley faces!!! hahahaha
Struggle - that is great!! 1.1kgs is 2 tubs of butter (or a non-dairy vegetable oil alternative) so just imagine those on the kitchen bench and add them up as you go. You suddenly realise how large an amount of pure fat you have shed if you view it that way. The tablets are starting to have the effect you need as far as the appetite goes. Bit of a bummer about the foot but it will be healed enough soon that you will be able to do a bit of exercise. Don't think that the exercise needs to be anything grand, just something that gets you that little bot more active than you normally are. I do silly things at times like standing on tip-toes and back down again if I am waiting in line at the shops - people look at me funny but who cares (my sweetheart loves my calf muscles and if this keeps them in shape and her wanting them more, then I will keep going :laughing:); I'm not advocating that if you foot is on the mend though. It doesn't sound like much but it is something that is a little bit different and your body does react to it by increasing your metabolism to compensate for activity. If you can be active for a little more than 20 minutes each day your metabolic rate will go up in an attempt to compensate (even if you don't do anything the following day) and will burn more fat for energy - just in case.

Kate, thank you for you kind words to us but I must say you are a great motivator and source of information for many of us. I know you have been through this journey and can speak from experience with your advice, suggestions and comments. Your encouragement as I started this journey in January is what kept me coming back to the forum and getting more involved. I can see by other posts you put up that you are genuinely concerned for all of us here (I don't know how you keep track of everyone though) and want only what is best for all - that is most evident when you do offer advice to folks about stopping the Duromine if they discuss adverse side-effects etc. So thank you to you for doing what you do.

I am off to watch my Korean princess in the school musical tonight. See ya on the flip side dudettes!!!
If I counted the times where I went up during this journey and then came back down then I think I would have shed over 30kgs by now.

You only lose the race if you fall over one more time than you get up!!!!!!!!!!!

My email notices stopped for a while as well so I have been coming in to the forum to see if I have any alerts.

mmmm... curry sounds good.... Not sure about the drinking though (I haven't drunk alcohol in over 20 years and I reckon if I did now I would be anyone's after the first mouthful...:confused:)
Speaking of alcohol. I also enjoy sometimes to have a glass of dry wine, but all I know is when you are trying to lose some weight - alcohol mainly increases your appetite and it contains lots of calories itself. Plus, you are becoming relaxed, so you can eat "bad stuff" without even noticing it))))

As for the side effects, any medication affects the liver in one way or another. Alcohol as well. So, the liver is stressed more when they are combined.

Well here's my old reply to one lady:
... I have never met the info that alcohol is completely contraindicated with Duromine. Some people have side effects, others don't...There are records that alcohol can increase the effect of Duromine on the CNS. Basically all the side effects from the central nervous system can increase, too. Like: restlessness, overstimulation, insomnia, nervousness, tremor, dizziness, headaches, etc.

In the end, it's up to you. I believe a glass of red/white wine is harmless anyway. But just one, if you ask me)))
Have a nice weekend! ;)
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Thank you for your kind words, as always;)
Hi everyone, I started duromine yesterday and today I weigh myself and lost 2 kg and not feeling hungry at all am on 30mg but I didn't sleep at all with a heart beating fast , but I will hang on till I reach my goal
Hello Olly

Your body will need a few days to get used to the drug, so side effects is normal in the beginning. Just remember to eat small healthy meals regularly - otherwise your blood sugar will drop too low - and drink lots and lots of water, it really helps.

Hang in there;)
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Welcome Olly, try to stay strong, it is really worth it! And water does work
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Just keep at tit Struggle, and water does help, I guess that is why one of the side effects is a dry mouth. Thank you for all the nice posts you guys, they have helped me to stay motivated a lot!:)
Hi all, thanks for the support and good feedback, you all motivate me. I thought I would struggle on the weekend, but to my surprise I was so good that I couldn't believe it... Weigh in this morning and have lost 2.5kg oh so happy :p
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That's great news Struggle - 5 tubs of butter gone!!!

I was naughty on the week end, after a week of 3 birthdays I threw caution to the wind and ate more than I normally would. Back on the band wagon this week though.
Well done Struggle. Thats great!!

(I fell off the wagon this weekend completely, but am back on again today) Seems like I am not cured of "eating my way out of stress" :eek: So, new focus....I need to find ways of dealing with stress better.
Day 5 and 8lbs lighter feeling great and no side effects anymore
Good morning :)
First post and first tablet here. I weighed in at 98.20 at my doctors yesterday. I have decided I will not check my weight until after 30 days.

I haven't had any side effects except for dry mouth so far.
Will give a more detailed post later when I have time :
jDad love the comparison to tubs of butter it makes it more real!! Feeling a bit airy this morning and can't seem to concentrate. Flower we all will fall of the wagon sooner or latter we can't all be perfect, so dust yourselves off and start a new day!! :cool:
Lilah welcome, you are strong not to want to check your weight for 30 days I personally couldn't do it, I said I would only check weekly and ended up checking after 3 days.
Yes the dry mouth was my first side effect and then a few days of waking at 3am. Good luck and keep in touch.
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Part of the reason I want to wait is because if I see good results I will self sabotage. It's like oh I have been dieting all day I can reward my self with chocolate or I have lost xx weight I can blow out over the weekend to make up for it.
Hallo all, welcome Lilah! Good luck with the 30 am far to impatient :)

So, today is my weigh in day....nothing lost, but also nothing gained. I was bad this weekend, but from today onwards, back on the wagon again.

I am basically now at my 1 month mark and I lost 5.8kg. No excersize, but low carb eating. I did not stick to good eating 100% and can kick myself for it, but all in all, I am satisfied.

Now to make an appointment to ask for 2 months prescription. My gp only gave me one month and said I need to see how it goes. I hope she will be happy with the result and prescribe for the following two months ;)
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Flower007 I only got one month as well :)

So my first day went well. I worked out for 75 mins at the gym. I didn't have too much problem with sleep. I got hungry but when I ate I was so full even from something like a salad. Still feeling motivated and keen which is great :)

Although I think I am starting to get a cold :(

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