Duromine Day 2

On day four today so far so good
hunger has decreased ..
I ate a banana for breakfast yougurt for morning tea it 12:30 feeling full but will eat at 1pm

I went for 20min walk today and will go for another one later tonight..

no side effects metalic taste has subsided
no crazy effects which is good my body is agreeing to it
X_sweetpeanz said:
I'm also on 15 mgs for a month then going up to 30 I am on day 10 and lost 2.2kgs I have around 30-35 to lose but small goal is to get under 100. All the best! :)
Thanks for reply hun :) wow well done I love when scales go down x
Hey everyone :)

My ultimate goal is to loose 35 kilos. If I could do this in 9 months I would be over the moon as it will be for my wedding !

I was always an active child but as soon as I finished college and started uni I stacked on weight. I used celebrity slim in the past, and was so over the moon when I lost 10 kilos in 6 weeks and kept it off for 18months. But here I am 5 years later and 35 kilos heavier.

I have lost about 5 kilos on my own, very slowly and now I've come to a halt. My doctor has given me duromine and will start me on a health care plan in a months time.

I'm currently on day 2, 15mg. I haven't had many symptoms, maybe a drier mouth but I wouldn't complain about it. I find that I'm not as hungry at night and I'm not craving sweet things, but I do get that hungry pangs every now and then.

I am a bit obsessed with weighing myself, I lost 900 grams on my first day and I'm hoping to loose more tomorrow.

I would love to have some support from anyone, I'm always really keen to start new things but always give up after a couple days :oops:. I'd love to hear more about people's experience, especially those on the same dosage as me :)
Day 3!

I have lost another 600grams. I am so over the moon!

Having a bit more of dry mouth today, but nothing a bit of water can't fix. I am having a bit of gurgling in the tummy, but I have stomach trouble anyway. Hoping to loose 4 kilos in total in my first week. Trying on wedding dresses on Friday and I hate looking at myself as a 'fat' bride. But even though I haven't lost too much weight overall yet, in still so excited to go dress shopping!

Wish me luck for another loss tomorrow!
hi Kiara.

I'm also trying to lose in time for my wedding.. been a "fat bride" is my biggest fear right now.

you're doing well I'd say. But do try stop weighing yourself everyday. because weight fluctuates a lot.

I am on 30mg. and on day 8 today. for some reason I'm feeling like I did on the first day. but even more hungry. not sure if it's because I took my pill this morning before I ate, I usually take it after I eat.
I weighed myself for the first time on Saturday(day 6) and I was down 4.8kg. I was super happy. so when I weigh again on Saturday I hope it's still dropping. I would like to lose 20kgs, by the time I am done.

have you changed your eating habits at all? I think that's really helping on my side.

good luck
Yols_69 said:
hi Kiara.

I'm also trying to lose in time for my wedding.. been a "fat bride" is my biggest fear right now.

you're doing well I'd say. But do try stop weighing yourself everyday. because weight fluctuates a lot.

I am on 30mg. and on day 8 today. for some reason I'm feeling like I did on the first day. but even more hungry. not sure if it's because I took my pill this morning before I ate, I usually take it after I eat.
I weighed myself for the first time on Saturday(day 6) and I was down 4.8kg. I was super happy. so when I weigh again on Saturday I hope it's still dropping. I would like to lose 20kgs, by the time I am done.

have you changed your eating habits at all? I think that's really helping on my side.

good luck
Hi Yols_69!

Thanks so much for your reply!

I know I need to stop weighing myself everyday, it's a bit of an addiction I admit. It keeps me motivated though... Or makes me depressed if the numbers go the wrong way.

Wow 4.8 kilos is amazing! Congratulations, you should really feel happy!

Since I was loosing weight before taking duromine I did change my diet, reduce my carb intake and watched my calories. I rarely have maccas as I used to have it every few days just because of the convenience. I have seemed to loose my sweet tooth at the moment which is helping a lot. Today I had no cravings for food at all, and since I started I have not felt like anything besides vegetables and fruits.

Have you started doing much exercise? I'm trying to walk for 30-40 mins a day when I can. I'd love to know what your doing!
Kiara said:
Hi Yols_69!

Thanks so much for your reply!

I know I need to stop weighing myself everyday, it's a bit of an addiction I admit. It keeps me motivated though... Or makes me depressed if the numbers go the wrong way.

Wow 4.8 kilos is amazing! Congratulations, you should really feel happy!

Since I was loosing weight before taking duromine I did change my diet, reduce my carb intake and watched my calories. I rarely have maccas as I used to have it every few days just because of the convenience. I have seemed to loose my sweet tooth at the moment which is helping a lot. Today I had no cravings for food at all, and since I started I have not felt like anything besides vegetables and fruits.

Have you started doing much exercise? I'm trying to walk for 30-40 mins a day when I can. I'd love to know what your doing!

Lol I'm also addicted to weighing myself, I'm just lucky that the battery in my scale at home is flat, and the scale in the gym is always surrounded by the weight lifting guys. Saturday's at gym are very quiet and quite empty so that was why I weighed on Saturday. if I'm completely honest I probably would have weighed myself the second I rolled out of bed every morning. haha

I've changed my eating habits. I'm seriously addicted to carbs, mainly bread. I could live on it, and I also find myself eating because I am craving for something even if I'm not hungry. those are probably the reasons why I got to the size I am today.
so since I started the duromine, I haven't really been on a diet per say. but I'd have breakfast. which is either cereal or 2 slices of toast. lunch I'm drinking herbalife shakes. and supper, I actually just have whatever I've made for the family, just without the starch. so no rice or potatoes or pasta. And I'm actually managing, and sometimes can't finish what I have dished for myself. And trust me I LOVE FOOD.

it try go to gym as often as I can on weekdays, but it's not possible for me to go every night. I do 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill or on the bikes then I do weight training. and I also try get in a few power hour classes which is a lot of cardio and resistance training in one class. it's awesome.
I can't really see any difference in my body yet. but 4.8kg was definitely more than what I was expecting. I've heard that you lose the most in the first week and then it starts slowing down. so I really do hope to lose at least 1-2kgs every week from now onwards.
Yols_69 said:
Lol I'm also addicted to weighing myself, I'm just lucky that the battery in my scale at home is flat, and the scale in the gym is always surrounded by the weight lifting guys. Saturday's at gym are very quiet and quite empty so that was why I weighed on Saturday. if I'm completely honest I probably would have weighed myself the second I rolled out of bed every morning. haha

I've changed my eating habits. I'm seriously addicted to carbs, mainly bread. I could live on it, and I also find myself eating because I am craving for something even if I'm not hungry. those are probably the reasons why I got to the size I am today.
so since I started the duromine, I haven't really been on a diet per say. but I'd have breakfast. which is either cereal or 2 slices of toast. lunch I'm drinking herbalife shakes. and supper, I actually just have whatever I've made for the family, just without the starch. so no rice or potatoes or pasta. And I'm actually managing, and sometimes can't finish what I have dished for myself. And trust me I LOVE FOOD.

it try go to gym as often as I can on weekdays, but it's not possible for me to go every night. I do 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill or on the bikes then I do weight training. and I also try get in a few power hour classes which is a lot of cardio and resistance training in one class. it's awesome.
I can't really see any difference in my body yet. but 4.8kg was definitely more than what I was expecting. I've heard that you lose the most in the first week and then it starts slowing down. so I really do hope to lose at least 1-2kgs every week from now onwards.

I think about weighing myself as soon as I wake up in the morning! Unfortunately, the number on the scale seem to influence how I feel for that day. It's definitely not the healthiest thing to do, but I go a bit nuts if I can't do it..

I have half a banana with duromine in the morning and mid morning I have a shake made of half banana, handful of frozen raspberries and handful of spinach. Sometimes I add a scoop of protein. That seems to keep my tummy happy till the evening but I try and snack on veggies or fruit in the arvo. For dinner I have a chicken breast and some type of carb (small amount) and some veggies. I usually have a bite of a quest bar to keep the sweet tooth at bay.

We share a love for food! I enjoy going out for sweets and love Asian food (probably because I'm half asian). i love to cook as well, in particular cakes and anything sweet. The problem is that I would bake a cake and I'm the only one who eats it now I've moved out. My fiancé is a huge gym nut! It hasn't rubbed off on me unfortunately. I really dislike the gym.

I'd say you will start feeling a difference before you see it. Maybe your clothes will fit a bit better or one day you will have to go down a size while shopping. I think it's hard to see a difference because we see ourselves everyday.
milkncookies said:
31 March 2014

Sorry for the lack of posts. Today has been a week since I started so I did my first weigh in. I skipped my 4th day and today as I wasn't feeling well the 4th and woke up too late today.

I started at 75kg and as of today I'm 71. This obviously is great, and I was feeling better about myself already, as I feel my face and neck area have slimmed considerably. Unfortunately, my neighbour decided to ask me today why I've gotten so big the last year. English isn't her first language, but the conversation went as follows:

Her: "you have put on weight yes?"

Me: "pardon? What?"

Her: "you used to be so thin and pretty, and now have you been eating a lot? You have the extra chins and flappy arms now"

I just stared at her with nothing to say I was so shocked..then she's like "I need to lose weight too but I just had a baby. Your tummy looks saggy"

So I feel like a deflated bag of lard at the moment.. I won't be skipping anymore days at all. Pretty big blow to what was already very new and fragile self esteem. I hope this somehow helps anyone else reading.


Good job on your weightloss so far!

My mum is of Asian decent and English is her 2nd language. My mum would point out how big I have gotten and really ruined my self esteem. A few years ago, for the Christmas holidays, my mum brought it up nearly everyday for a week. In the end I know my mum was just worried about my health and me getting bigger. But she was so blunt and rude and personal that it was just hurtful. I feel your pain, but maybe she is hinting that you can both loose weight together?

Don't feel down about it, your doing what you need to for yourself. Your doing great so far!
Hi again!

Day 4 :)

Had a bit of a sleep in today, it was cold and I was so comfy in bed! I'm feeling a bit anxious today, not sure if it's due to the duromine as I'm a pretty anxious person. When I finished work yesterday I had to deal with a difficult situation and a difficult person, which is hard on its own but I am brand new at this job so it just sucked.

I'm anxious thinking about today, just hoping I'm doing alright at the job.

I did weigh myself again this morning, and I am another 700 grams lighter. I use a graph that shows my weight gain and loss from the past year and I love seeing the downward trend of my weight. A much better feeling than it going up.

All up I think I've lost 2.4kilos in 6 days, 4 of them being on duromine. I lost maybe 200 grams just before taking duromine.

I have 3.6 kilos before I reach my first mini goal of loosing 10kg! I'm so excited, before it felt like it was never going to happen but now it actually feels possible. At the end of my journey I will have lost 35-45 kilos. I will decide when to stop when I like how I feel and how I look. It won't be too much about the numbers once I'm in a healthy range, more about what I feel comfortable in.

Is it weird that I feel like my clothes are starting to fit a bit better? I cannot wait till I'm a size smaller! I'm really hoping to loose another 2kgs by Friday. I have my best friend visiting this weekend, but I've gotta stay behaved or at least do well with portion sizes!

Well this was a long post but I know I'm going to love reading it back when I'm loosing weight.

Hope your all well x
Absolutely great and helpful post. For you especially, and for others who are at the beginning of their journeys. Congratulations on your first victory!

I think you should take more rest after your new job, calm down the nerves, because work is just a work, your body and soul are the most important things for you. I know how it feels when you are a newbie, there are colleagues who help, others don't... Just try to find a balance and do not let anybody at work get into your personal space. Do you know what I mean?

Weight loss is a stressful process, your body has to get used to a different lifestyle and it does not enjoy this new regime as a rule))) But it can also create a habit pretty fast, so once your weight loss and workouts become a habit, things will become easier. I wish you to achieve your goal as soon as possible! :)
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Kate said:
Absolutely great and helpful post. For you especially, and for others who are at the beginning of their journeys. Congratulations on your first victory!

I think you should take more rest after your new job, calm down the nerves, because work is just a work, your body and soul are the most important things for you. I know how it feels when you are a newbie, there are colleagues who help, others don't... Just try to find a balance and do not let anybody at work get into your personal space. Do you know what I mean?

Weight loss is a stressful process, your body has to get used to a different lifestyle and it does not enjoy this new regime as a rule))) But it can also create a habit pretty fast, so once your weight loss and workouts become a habit, things will become easier. I wish you to achieve your goal as soon as possible! :)

Thanks so much for your response Kate!

You are right, work is work. I need to learn to let go once I get home. But unfortunately the job I had before the one I am in was a very high stress one I couldn't help but be anxious every single moment. My anxiety has reduce immensely though, and the increase in anxiety lately (whether it be because of duromine or not) is not anything I can't handle.

I am so excited for what the scales say tomorrow. I'm feeling like I'm actually achieving my goal, after trying so hard for so long, it's really a great boost in confidence.
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For your anxiety - try some herbal sedatives. Because I have tried myself a mixture of valerian and melissa tea or capsules (whatever you find at pharmacy) and it helped! Sometimes we simply cannot make our body stop worry, these herbs help. Besides, they can improve sleep, if you have any issues with it. And they are save to combine with Duromine. Keep calm and lose weight :laughing:
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Day 5 :)

Another 500 grams done total 2.7 kilos in 5 days. Not sure if I'll reach my goal on Friday, maybe Saturday if this weight loss continues which I really hope for

I wasn't sure what my weight was going to be like today as we had a late dinner, I try to avoid it but life just got in the way. I am so lucky to have such supportive people in my life though, who really do look out for me.

Hope all of you are doing well and having good weight loss
Hey Kiara!

Im on my second day, reading your posts makes me excited! Awesome loss good on you!
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DiaryofADuroDamzel said:
Hey Kiara!

Im on my second day, reading your posts makes me excited! Awesome loss good on you!

Good luck!

I know you will do great!
Ekkkk! That would have been awful.
So I had a pretty terrible day at work. I've been in this job for just over two weeks and today was just terrible. so not looking forward to going in tomorrow, at least I have Friday off this week!

Just a quick update, I had a mild headache a couple hours after taking duromine, took some pain killers and it went away quick. Despite having a bad day, I did not reach for food for comfort, even now while I'm writing this I don't feel like I need to eat. Usually I would drop by maccas and get some fries and a burger of some type, that didn't even enter my mind, until just now... Thinking about the past me haha.

I was curious when I got home to see how my weight fluctuates during the day (okay, probably unhealthy but it really keeps me motivated to see change) and I've dropped another 200g since this morning. As I said it's just a fluctuation but it makes me so happy because this was a mini goal for me to be under a certain weight!
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Hello hello!

I am a 28 year old female, taking duro for the first time. This duromine isn't my 'magic pill' to give me freedom to eat as much as I want and exercise as little as I want. This is an aide to get me where I need to go, to curb and hopefully cure my emotional tie to yummy food.

Been overweight pretty much since I hit puberty, losing 5-8kgs max at a time and then losing heart because it was so freaking hard (8+ month of no carb, 800cal days 1.5 hrs a day cardio), with so little result (8 kgs!)! Turns out I have hypothyroidism, my Dr suspected about 6 months ago and sent me for some tests and boom, suddenly my life makes sense.

Now all that's sorted, I asked him for this script. Ive had absolutely enough of this! Enough of been so insecure, shy and unsocial and anxious. I just know its all to do with my weight - I hate it. So this is it, I now have all the tools (and knowledge, from years and years of different programs, stalking others weightloss journeys etc etc) to really make my dreams a reality.

Let the good times begin!!

My starting stats:
Age 28
Height 175cm
Weight 89.2kgs
Dose 40mgs

Day One

Well I got home from the chemist at 10am, and despite knowing it might keep me awake I got started straight away! Ekkk, it was a roller coaster ride. I cleaned non-stop for 7 hours hahaha. My husband kind of freaked out and kept checking on me. My heart was beating like crazy, I felt my pupils popping lol. Felt a little bit too familiar to some clubbing nights hahaha. But by about 7pm I was able to relax, chill out. Went to sleep at 10.30 until about 5.30am so no problem there. Maybe I had really worked it all out my system lol?

Day Two

So I took my second pill at 6am, I had to really pump myself up to get back on the crazy train lol!! Turns out I was worried for nothing, no side effects at all today except the beautiful lack of thoughts about food haha. I felt like I didn't really click into gear - I couldn't really sit still doing nothing, but I didn't have energy either, it was a strange conundrum lol. Ive been maintaining proper regular meals, I might not get quick results but I really don't want to go on a binging rampage when I finish. Plus Im sure literally starving myself will wreck havoc with my thyroid and adrenals and I can't start from scratch with that again.

I haven't weighed myself yet, I feel no change in my bloating etc so I don't want the discouragement lol.

Phew well if you got this far congrats! Thanks for reading :) Excited to see what the next few months brings :)
Day 6!

Unfortunately no weight loss today, I have stayed the same weight as my original weigh in yesterday. A bit bummed but I know the loss could not happen like it has everyday. At least the numbers didn't go up right? I have one more day of my first week and I will take my official weigh in on Saturday morning for my first week on duromine.

Gotta admit I'm pretty down that there was no loss, but I need to stay realistic, a loss of 500grams a day, everyday wasn't going to happen and I need to keep my eye and thoughts of the bigger picture. Remember that this week I have lost 2.7kgs and that is a lot for me to loose in 6 days.

I'd love to read some input or maybe some encouragement if anyone if reading this?

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