Male Duromine Success Story



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Jan 20, 2016
Hi Guys

I would like to share my story

Im a 30 year old male, who 3 months ago was weighing in at 133kgs.

Im now 105! 10kg's to goal weight, but almost there.

Admittedly my dieting habits aren't healthy, But it works. being unhealthy for 3-4 months is better than being overweight for the rest of my life.

I used duromine almost daily for the first month, and then on and off after that.

Im one of the lucky ones that has almost no side-effects from duromine. I also believe that having breaks from it then re-starting helps, as like anything you do become used to it and it looses its effectiveness after time.

I mainly eat pre-packaged foods such as microwave dinners and can food only because I know exactly how many calories im consuming. cooking your own food is not accurate in regards to calorie consumption!
the only meal I cook is a grilled steak or chicken (small) with boiled frozen vegetables, and lots of them.

I never have eaten breakfast and still don't while dieting, but this is a habit I will need to stop soon.

I haven't exercised at all but this I will start now as weight loss is rapidly slowing down as a get closer to my ideal weight.

The unhealthy part of this diet, with a also believe is the success -

I drink diet soft drinks and energy drinks. and admittedly to much of it. They make me fill full and bloated, thefore not hungry. 1 glass of pepsi max has 4kj in it. Water does not have this affect on me

I skip meals, if im not hungry I don't eat.

Once I get to my goal weight I plan on transitioning back to healthy eating habits, cooked meals, vegetables and protein, regular eating and cutting out the softdrink.

I have no doubt the hardest part of this diet will be resuming to normal eating habits and nut putting on weight. this will be a battle but I will win.

Please fell free to ask me any questions. but please don't tell me what im doing is wrong. because it works! I've spent hours reading this forum of people following dieticians diets and proven diets and people saying its not working for them. my way works for me, and as I said, eating un healthy for 3 or so months is better than being overweight or obese for the rest off my life.

good luck.
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finn said:
Hi Guys

I would like to share my story

Im a 30 year old male, who 3 months ago was weighing in at 133kgs.

Im now 105! 10kg's to goal weight, but almost there.

Admittedly my dieting habits aren't healthy, But it works. being unhealthy for 3-4 months is better than being overweight for the rest of my life.

I used duromine almost daily for the first month, and then on and off after that.

Im one of the lucky ones that has almost no side-effects from duromine. I also believe that having breaks from it then re-starting helps, as like anything you do become used to it and it looses its effectiveness after time.

I mainly eat pre-packaged foods such as microwave dinners and can food only because I know exactly how many calories im consuming. cooking your own food is not accurate in regards to calorie consumption!
the only meal I cook is a grilled steak or chicken (small) with boiled frozen vegetables, and lots of them.

I never have eaten breakfast and still don't while dieting, but this is a habit I will need to stop soon.

I haven't exercised at all but this I will start now as weight loss is rapidly slowing down as a get closer to my ideal weight.

The unhealthy part of this diet, with a also believe is the success -

I drink diet soft drinks and energy drinks. and admittedly to much of it. They make me fill full and bloated, thefore not hungry. 1 glass of pepsi max has 4kj in it. Water does not have this affect on me

I skip meals, if im not hungry I don't eat.

Once I get to my goal weight I plan on transitioning back to healthy eating habits, cooked meals, vegetables and protein, regular eating and cutting out the softdrink.

I have no doubt the hardest part of this diet will be resuming to normal eating habits and nut putting on weight. this will be a battle but I will win.

Please fell free to ask me any questions. but please don't tell me what im doing is wrong. because it works! I've spent hours reading this forum of people following dieticians diets and proven diets and people saying its not working for them. my way works for me, and as I said, eating un healthy for 3 or so months is better than being overweight or obese for the rest off my life.

good luck.

This is about what I do
Only been on for 4 days
Have a hectic life with work commitments want to lose 40 kg don't
Sorry not sure what happens there

Yeah does it work I have to force my self to eat I litrely didn't eat a thing for 3 days and now have forced myself obvious medical reason I gotta loose the weight but for myself and self esteem issues as well
I'm far from lazy and I am fit just have excess weight

Just wondering if it actually worked cause I don't have time to cook I do go to gym 5 days a week except weekends and my Fifo days
well it works for me yes, ive lost over 30kgs so far. wouldn't recommend not eating for 3 days, that's silly.

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