Thank you aturn121. I will try drinking more water. I will see how it turns out and then maybe go on the higher dose. Thanks again for the advice.
im with aturn21, drink drink drink, walk walk walk, I've been taking Duromine now for 5 weeks and have lost around 8-9kgs, Im staying away from the scales, only doing a weigh in with the doctor once a month, I have scales at home but they aren't very accurate, if you feel the need to weigh in daily do it first thing in the morning, sounds like you need the 40mg tablets if your still feeling hungry, ive not only cut portion sizes down but eat completely different food, lots of fruit during the day, weetbix for breakfast and a nice salad and fish or stirfry for tea, staying away from potato and pasta all together, most of us suffer from constipation, your very lucky if you dont :)
Keep up the good work, you've done the right thing by starting, even if you dont feel like exercising for a day or two, mop floors harder and faster, dusting up high and low, vaccuming like theres no tomorrow, I turn music up and get into it, its a pretty good work out.

Dont give up we are here to help you stay motivated as you all help us to stay that way too :)
take a photo of yourself and put it up and every week or two take another, you will soon see the difference and you will be feeling great once others start to notice

Hi Stonie! I think your weight fluctuates because you weigh yourself at different time. It happens, aand we think that something goes wrong with our weight. Not at all. Sometimes it is just that food you took before, or the water you have to drink a lot throughout a day. That's all! Don't worry, you have already lost 4 kilos you said, meaning it's working! My advice: just to set one time for weighing, for example 4pm every time. Not in the morning because your body is still full of water. And not after your meals as well. Something in the middle would be fine.
And I'm happy for you that you don't have side effects! Go on! We will support you!:laughing:
Thanks Sally for the encouragement. You are right about this forum being a motivator. when the going gets tough I log in and read other people's posts and get motivated to continue.
Kate, you are an inspiration. You lost 160 pounds wow! Good for you! It gives some of us hope that it can be done. I am really glad that I do not have any side effects and will certainly be consistent with the time that I weigh myself. Can't help going on the scale daily but will try to resist. Thanks for the offer of support. Much appreciated.
Kate, you are an inspiration. You lost 160 pounds wow! Good for you! It gives some of us hope that it can be done. I am really glad that I do not have any side effects and will certainly be consistent with the time that I weigh myself. Can't help going on the scale daily but will try to resist. Thanks for the offer of support. Much appreciated.:)
Friends, i have also started using Duromine, i am 32 years, male weighing 96 kg, i want to loose at least 12 to 15 kg. I want to know from you guys, is it safe to combine green tea with Duromine? currently i eat two healthy meals a day, and i am excersising daily. I hope it works.
there are a few people on here that drink green tea, im pretty sure it will help with the constipation that goes hand in hand with taking Duromine :)
Good luck on your journey

Anytime Dear! That's what we are here for, right? ;)
And yes, my final score was wow for me as well, but a long trip I must say. Thus I can call myself a "survivor" in this hard battle!
I am in week six on Duromine. Starting weight:114kg, Current weight:108kg, Goal weight 90kg. I am quite pleased with my progress. I have been very consistent with my daily walks and actually look forward to them now. Unfortunately I am unable to jog because of shin splints. I doubt I will reach my target weight at the end of three months but am determined to continue. I hope I will be able to continue managing my portion sizes without Duromine. I still get hungry and chew a carrot and drink lots of water. The posts by other members keep me motivated because sometimes it gets really hard to resist the food. Thank you all.

Hi, zwelakhe! Welcome and my first answer is: yes, it is safe to drink green tea anytime, but I've told once that some doctors say that green tea has more caffeine than coffee, the others say you only should drink green tea few times a week (like a medicine) because it washes calcium out of the body if you drink it daily. My advice is always: combine green tea, herbal and fruit tea to feel great. Plus it gives you vitamins and energy. You just got to choose your best product:) As for your daily meals, I think it's too little to eat only twice even if you're loosing weight. The best way (proven) is four to five times but in small portions. Anyone here can tell you that. But it's optional, because everyone's body is different. If you feel okay with your meals than fine, but if you still feel hungry, you need to add a couple of meals into your diet plan. Don't worry it will not ruin your weight loss process, just have a couple of short healthy snacks between main meals (but at the same time every day!), like for example an apple, banana, orange, yogurt or handful of nuts, and you'll be fine! Hope you find helpful my advice! Good luck!

Hello Stonie! So things go just fine with your weight! I'm glad and proud to know that, another purposeful girl is here! Six kg for six weeks - perfect in my opinion, not too much and not too fast, so your body gets accustomed to it. I'm sorry I missed something, but why do you want to reach your target at the end of three months? Sometimes weight seems to stop at certain point and then melts down faster, it depends. To encourage you I must say: you can manage to control your portions without duromine soon, since human body adapts fast to any changes. I think you do great with carrots and water to fight those annoying cravings throughout a day! Happy for you! So, keep us informed. You can do it! :)
Thank you Kate for the encouragement. My ultimate goal is 90kg and thought I'd manage it in 3 months when I was reading the huge numbers lost by others. I guess my body has its own mind.:) As you've said it is better for me in the long run if the loss is steady. I think at present I am stuck at 108kg. I will continue trying and hope the festive season will not put me off track! Merry Christmas!
:laughing:Merry Christmas Dear!
Hi Stonie,

I am super keen to know how much you have lost to date. Please post.

Hi MsEvaP1 thank you for checking up on me. I am afraid the festive season disturbed my routine and I was unable to exercise as usual. I have therefore plateaued at 108kg. I am just glad I did not gain any kilos over the festive season. I started in earnest again today and hope to report back something positive after a week. How is your journey so far MsEvaP1?

Hi MsEvaP1 thank you for checking up on me. I am afraid the festive season disturbed my routine and I was unable to exercise as usual. I have therefore plateaued at 108kg. I am just glad I did not gain any kilos over the festive season. I started in earnest again today and hope to report back something positive after a week. How is your journey so far MsEvaP1?
Hi everyone
I have read a lot of your posts and can certainly relate to your experiences, I appreciate sharing your journeys.
Im 35 married no kids except for lots of the furry variety (dogs, cats and horses) :) i have battled with my weight from when I was young but in the last 10 years gained a huge amount. at my heaviest I was 135kg and im 5'9. over the last few years I had gotten down to 115kg, by just making subtle changes and being in a better mindset which i think really helped.

I have wanted to have kids but have always had peroid/hormonal issues even when I wasnt overweight. I saw a few different gyno's about 8 years ago and the experience was really upsetting. Being very overweight, they cant help but look and assume health issues are only related to weight. I felt really deflated, ashamed and unworthy of having kids becuase of my weight.
this year I decided Im not getting any younger and so my husband and i went to a fertility clinic, where I was once again reminded of the weight being a huge issue.
To undergo even the intial testing the maxium bmi is 35 mine was 37. not to mention the weight limit on the examination table at 110kg.
I decided enough is enough!!! I want to be a mum and I no longer want to hide behind my weight and cling to the identity and being inhibited by being fat. i want to be able to seek help to start a family without fear of judgement, so as a faster option to getting the weight off I started duro 30mg. The best result would be to get pregnant naturally once the weight does come off!

Iv lost 3.5kg but also feel the cms dropping off. Im lucky to not have suffered side effects except insominia up until the last 2 days. Im embracing having more energy to get back into swimming which I love... I have reconnected with my inner mermaid :) and riding my horse again which has been a life long passion but one that I stopped doing because of the weight.
Short term goal under 100kg then Id love to get to about 85kg.

Has anyone else had success with losing the weight to start a family? or anyone else with any words of wisdom, id love to hear your stories :)
Dear Wannabecomeamum,

Congratulations for deciding to lose weight and losing 3kg already. it is lovely that you can already feel different. I started on 114kgs myself and am now on 106kgs after 12weeks and hoping to eventually get to 90kg, my goal weight. You will become a mum! It is great that you have not had side effects except the insomnia and you are doing what you love interms of exercising. Keep at it andwatch the calories you take in and you will be fine. All the best on your weight loss journey.
Hello, Wannabecomeamum!
Welcome and don't be upset! I am sure you will become a mum, because you want it so much and our wishes can become true! I admire your goal to lose weight and that you've finally chosen this difficult path. But nothing is impossible so I keep saying to my ladies - don't give up! cheer up! Go on you can do it! I'm not sure this helps) ) ) but what I know is that everyone needs a support. Just be a little bit more patient and take your time to lose kg by kg. I must warn you though: the first few weeks, maybe months are the hardest and results are miserable sometimes. But! Once you notice first loss and stick to your diet plan, everything will go faster I promise!
Not just excess weight will go off, but your overall health will recover: metabolism, blood pressure, flexibility and even your mood. But you know all this already, don't you? :) So good luck and feel free to ask any questions, we're glad to help!


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