Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

Do You abuse DUROMINE?

  • No,i do as doctor told me

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • Yes , i take more then prescribed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Libertyblu said:
Hi all, I am new here and have only started taking Duromine last Tuesday. My doctor prescribed me 15mg and she was reluctant to do that, it’s only that I pushed her that she gave it to me at all. After reading through a few posts here it seems a lot of people are on 30mg, and I wonder if I should have started on 30? I am 48, 160cm and 90kg, my goal is to be 65kg. I am the heaviest I have ever been. I don’t mind if the weight loss is slow, but just wondering if anyone can share their experience on the 15mg? Thanks in advance :)
I think it depends on your body, metabolism, and health. Some feel on 15 mg ok, some can't feel any difference. You'd better try. And share your experience with us!
'There are multiple cases, when 15 mg is strong enough during the entire 3-month course of Duromine and people do not up it. At times, those who consider the effect of 15 mg dosage to be fading begin taking 30 mg Duromine, yet find the side effects too strong and switch back to 15 mg.'

:idea:We have a very informative article about Duromine doses here:
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IMO, if 15 mg suppresses your appetite well, there is no need to have a higher dose of Duromine.
The most important here is to stick with the new healthy habits related to everything: eating, your daily activity level, your attitude towards junk food, etc.

If you can sleep fine after taking the pill at 7 a.m.- it's great! I preferred taking my Duromine at 5 am max. because if I took it later, I had a sleepless night in 100% of cases :joy::confounded:
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April said:
'There are multiple cases, when 15 mg is strong enough during the entire 3-month course of Duromine and people do not up it. At times, those who consider the effect of 15 mg dosage to be fading begin taking 30 mg Duromine, yet find the side effects too strong and switch back to 15 mg.'

:idea:We have a very informative article about Duromine doses here:
Totally agree :cool:
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How often and how long should one take Duromine? What are the major signs of overdosing?
Share your story, questions or recommendations here.
lewdaw said:
Hello, i was given a box of duromine off a friend who just found out she was pregnant, i know this is illegal and stupid but my doctor doesnt belive in duromine and told me diet and excercise will do the trick, but with a wedding in 8weeks i need to drop the kilos fast. Anyhow its a box of 40mg and im scared whether this may be too high dosage for me. Im 81kgs and am 163cm, are the larger doeses for larger people or it doesnt matter? Am i able to break the capsule in two and into an empty capsule? I know some people will judge me but any help would be appreciated..
Hi how are you ,
I highly advise you not to split the capsule and consume it that way
As it will be super fast reacting and you will most Definitely get the speed effect ex: racing n pulpatating heart rate n you will most likely be very alert like high alert , you may not even be able to focus on something simple as driving , cooking even will be very anxious when talking to people
I’m not in anyway a Dr but I am medication competent and just like any addictive drug that u dilute or break the capsule it’s going to be fast acting n 10x’s more extreme.
just the same as when people use oxys n endone n break it down .
it’s very very dangerous.
the plastic coating is so it releases into your body at a rate your body can break down and handle . Slow release .
ive never taken duromine before but I was hesitant to try it 2 months ago nearly I’m nearly at end of my 2nd script and I’ve lost about 15 ks n that’s with no excercise we’ll just my usual been a mum n running after kids n usual mom stuff but nothing major
But I don’t eat breakfast or lunch n then I have dinner but only a portion say the size of a sandwich plate instead of a dinner plate , I dnt eat takeaway n if I do it’s usually again only a small portion
If I feel like I need to eat during the day I will have a bannana or a sandwich, I still have my can of coke with my dinner at night , but I used to have lots of coke n junk food so 1 a day is good for me ,
I feel if I do not have that sugar as in coke at least one at night with my meal I am really dizzy n my blood pressure drops really low .
I’m on 40mgs n that’s wat I started on
I have magor bad anxiety to the point of I can’t go food shopping at store because it’s too crowded n I start to panic .
which I take Valium every night to go to sleep or if I’m having an anxiety attack
Have done for years
So I havnt had any sleep issues with been on 40mgs
But in the first few weeks I felt like u have lots of energy n kinda like u are high n can’t even think straight n a couple of times in first week I had to sit down on lounge n just chill n not do nothing for abit until it passed which wasn’t long .
just remember to give yourself that chill out quiet time if you feel like ur heart is racing or u feel really hot n sweaty or u start to panic because of all or one of these symptoms.
I have lil ones under 5 x2 do I know quiet rest time is hard
But I’ve just told kids hey let’s all lay on lounge together n you guys can pick a nice family movie n we’ll lay back n cuddle up , get them a snack to go with it n hopefully if they love mumma sitting down actually resting n not running around cleaning or busy
Hopefully they’ll love to lay back n chill with u
That’s if u have kiddy’s :)
God bless
I hope this has helped
but everyone is different
Just thought I’d share abit about wat I e experienced n also how very dangerous it is to dilute or split the capsule n have .
good luck on your journey. Xxx
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