Doctors Who Prescribe Duromine in Victoria



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Jul 11, 2016
So I'm 23, a mum of 3 and 40kgs over weight. I've been struggling with weightless for 6 years since I had my son.
I'm trying to get the courage and convince myself to go to the doctors, I'm just worried they are only going to suggest diet and exercise wich I have been doing on and off for the past couple of years.
I get disheartened easily, I really think I need a kick start to shift this weight. Just wondering if you got duromine easily or if you had to go to a million different doctors. I live in rural Vic so there aren't alot of doctors to choose from.
A lot of doctors don't recommend duromine, because of the side effects that " can" happen. I noticed side effects are not from the medication itself but from the choices we make while on the medication. Anyway if you don't have any medical issues and your blood pressure is shouldn't be too difficult to get the medication. But DO go to a trusted doctor because you need to be monitored while on the medication.
Before you even go please know duromine will suppress your appetite to a degree the rest is up to you!!!
You can do it
Good luck.
Just bite the bullet and go :) all they can say is no right.
I was half expecting my dr to say no but he actually said he has no idea why a lot of Drs dislike giving them out as they help.
Last time I had them was like 29yrs ago !! But did try once to get them off a dr In Victoria when I lived there and her straight out answer was No! You might go to the truck stop and sell them lol omfg seriously with 4 kids and I was massive I don't think I'd be selling them!!
All you can do is ask and explain maybe they are your last resort and you just need that kickstart to help you along?
Good luck xxx
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Vix said:
Just bite the bullet and go :) all they can say is no right.
I was half expecting my dr to say no but he actually said he has no idea why a lot of Drs dislike giving them out as they help.
Last time I had them was like 29yrs ago !! But did try once to get them off a dr In Victoria when I lived there and her straight out answer was No! You might go to the truck stop and sell them lol omfg seriously with 4 kids and I was massive I don't think I'd be selling them!!
All you can do is ask and explain maybe they are your last resort and you just need that kickstart to help you along?
Good luck xxx

Thanks alot for your advice :) sometimes I feel like I'm taking the easy way out but really this is my last resort. I guess if this doctor says no there are always a couple of others. Should I just explain my situation and ask straight out?
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Mamma93 yes be totally honest with him and ask straight out, I did lol .
Oh it's not the easy way out lovely it still takes willpower and determination it's just an aid to help you get started .
Let us know how you go and good luck xxx
Hi Mumma3.. Be strong for you.. explain to the dr about how the weight makes you feel - physically.. maybe you are experiencing acting legs, knees.. back, perhaps with sciatica (shooting pain from lower back down backs of leg or legs)..
Tell dr you are there for Help!! If he or she suggests a diet of sorts.. let him or her know your experience so far with them..
Dont be afraid to suggest Duromine.. You've done lots of reading - and would like to try Duromine..
Its not the easy way out.. think about it- you wouldnt be wanting duromine if you had success in other ways.. You've come to realise you need Help... so now Mumma3.-.go.and get your help!!
One life- dont allow others to stand in your way.. you're young - good on you for taking this step for yourself.. Good Luck on Saturday!!
Help! Looking for a doctor to prescribe dur in Victoria Australia.
needing duromine to start my weight loss journey if anyone could help me or no any online doctors i could speak too or any suppliers ?
deemar123 said:

did you buy any from this person? is it legit?

Nah It was too much for me unfortunately going to dr to get a repeat prescription fingers crossed.
Darlo said:
Nah It was too much for me unfortunately going to dr to get a repeat prescription fingers crossed.
Would you let me buy from your prescription?
Unfortunately my Dr only prescribes the minimum amount and does not do repeat, so no sorry
bonnie988 said:
needing duromine to start my weight loss journey if anyone could help me or no any online doctors i could speak too or any suppliers ?
Was wondering if you had any luck getting it?
Darlo said:
Unfortunately my Dr only prescribes the minimum amount and does not do repeat, so no sorry
ok no problem thank you
Anyone else having a difficult time getting a damn script in Victoria? What has everyone's BMI been?
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Carol1982 said:
Anyone else having a difficult time getting a damn script in Victoria? What has everyone's BMI been?
Keep trying Dr's, you'll find one that will hand it over, sometimes you have to try a few :)
Carol1982 said:
Anyone else having a difficult time getting a damn script in Victoria? What has everyone's BMI been?
When I've got my script a couple of years ago, my BMI was 32.3.
As I know doctors in Australia can prescribe Duromine if your BMI is 30 and higher.
Carol1982 said:
Anyone else having a difficult time getting a damn script in Victoria? What has everyone's BMI been?
Mine was 27.7

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