Duromine Day 3

I was the same full of energy on day one and two and then got the foggy feeling
I am hoping everything will settle soon as I am keen to get the results. As conventional methods of weight loss have plateau....
Seems like everything is normal then I won't give up just yet.
no was not told to eat D with food, and uf u goggle it as well it says nothing. I'm on the 40g .
After 4.5hrs sleep Woke up naturally at 5am to take tablet without food- couldn't go back to sleep my mind was racing and still is (at 7:30am)......I hope I sleep tonight it's going to be a long day. My will power is about shot, I'm ready to cave and stop - having little down time for my body to rest as this can't be healthy.
im at the end of my 3rd week, I go to bed at around 11pm, some nights a little later and im up at 7-8am, the first couple of days I was up a bit earlier but after the first week the huge energy kick had stopped, i take my tablet the minute I get up so anywhere from 6am-8am, im on 40mg tablets and i dont eat when I take my tablet, I usually down a glass of water followed by a coffee.
it gets better after the first couple of days, try and go with it, give it at least a week, you have spent alot of money to get the tablets, thats beside the point really.
Im assuming you asked the doctor for the duromine so you want to lose weight, keep going, like you said earlier, your still making bad food choices but in smaller amounts, I eat either a weetbix or a piece of toast with banana on it for breakfast, a fruit salad during the day at work and whatever it is im cooking for tea, not a very big serve
what im doing is asking myself before I put anything to mouth, do I really need this......so far in 3 weeks the only bad stuff ive had is 3 favourites chocolates and yesterday a small piece of my step daughters birthday cake
Keep writing on here and we will keep talking to you and get you through the first week
again DONT GIVE UP :)
Hi :)
I'm at the end of my 4th week. Ever since I started taking duromine I haven't had any problem sleeping, im on 30mg.
I usually take my tablet around 9am, I work afternoon shift so I dont get home until around 11pm but once I get home I fall asleep straight away. Thinking about seeing if i can go up to 40mg, the first 3 days I was on duromine I had so much energy but it didn't take too long for that to pass.
I didn't eat any bad food for the first 3 weeks and last week I decided to get Mcdonalds and I absolutely hated it, good to know that I wont be going back there anytime soon :)
I still get hungry quite a bit but I usually drink some water and the hungry feeling goes away.
I have pretty much been living off fruit since I started taking duromine, all i had to eat yesterday was 2 apples, 2 oranges and 1 banana. I can't bring myself to eat fatty food anymore!
I have now lost 12.8kg, I was hoping to get to 15kg in 4 weeks but I dont think that is going to happen lol

Good luck with your weight loss journey, can't wait to read about your results.
Just remember stay strong, hopefully you can get back into a normal sleep pattern soon.
But also remember that everyone on here will be supporting you :)
I started on the 15mg on 9/10/2012 and haven't had any issues sleeping at all , that said i do take the tablet between 5am-6am and maybe becuase it is a lesser dose the sleeplessness isnt as servere or in my case not an issue at all.

Hope you get some sleep soon. Well done keep up the great work
My journey has ended as I ended up collapsing Sunday night (day 4) and went to hospital. I had extremely high blood pressure,hallucinations and vomitting which the doctor said were related completely to the duromine as he had seen it many times over- once I was conscious enough to tell them what medication I was taking (only the duromine).
A bit dissapointed that my weight loss journey with duromine has ended but I will persevere with alternative ways which might be harder and take longer but nonetheless I will be alive.
Wow, hope your ok now Traveller29 that would have been very scary for you....i am sorry your journey has ended up by the sounds of it , it is doing you more harm then good. I wish you all the best with your weight loss in the future.

Take care.
Just read your posts hope your ok!! I had 3 sleepless nights but last night I went to bed at 11.30 and woke up at 6am for a personal training session and I felt great!
Hope your journey works out! Good luck
There was something really nice about the end of that message! Quiet comforting and inspirational :)

And your right, the key is to not give up, push through the hard first bit and tackle the rest of your habits/bad bits one at a time, slowly so you do keep it up. And yes, find someone/a group that you can keep in touch with that will keep you honest, strong and motivated! :)
SallyCooper said:
im at the end of my 3rd week, I go to bed at around 11pm, some nights a little later and im up at 7-8am, the first couple of days I was up a bit earlier but after the first week the huge energy kick had stopped, i take my tablet the minute I get up so anywhere from 6am-8am, im on 40mg tablets and i dont eat when I take my tablet, I usually down a glass of water followed by a coffee.
it gets better after the first couple of days, try and go with it, give it at least a week, you have spent alot of money to get the tablets, thats beside the point really.
Im assuming you asked the doctor for the duromine so you want to lose weight, keep going, like you said earlier, your still making bad food choices but in smaller amounts, I eat either a weetbix or a piece of toast with banana on it for breakfast, a fruit salad during the day at work and whatever it is im cooking for tea, not a very big serve
what im doing is asking myself before I put anything to mouth, do I really need this......so far in 3 weeks the only bad stuff ive had is 3 favourites chocolates and yesterday a small piece of my step daughters birthday cake
Keep writing on here and we will keep talking to you and get you through the first week
again DONT GIVE UP :)

There was something really nice about the end of that message! Quite comforting and inspirational :eek:

And your right, the key is to not give up, push through the hard first bits and tackle the rest of your habits/bad bits one at a time, slowly so you do keep it up. And yes, find someone/a group that you can keep in touch with that will keep you honest, strong and motivated!
AshleyJayne said:
Hi :)
I'm at the end of my 4th week. Ever since I started taking duromine I haven't had any problem sleeping, im on 30mg.
I usually take my tablet around 9am, I work afternoon shift so I dont get home until around 11pm but once I get home I fall asleep straight away. Thinking about seeing if i can go up to 40mg, the first 3 days I was on duromine I had so much energy but it didn't take too long for that to pass.
I didn't eat any bad food for the first 3 weeks and last week I decided to get Mcdonalds and I absolutely hated it, good to know that I wont be going back there anytime soon :)
I still get hungry quite a bit but I usually drink some water and the hungry feeling goes away.
I have pretty much been living off fruit since I started taking duromine, all i had to eat yesterday was 2 apples, 2 oranges and 1 banana. I can't bring myself to eat fatty food anymore!
I have now lost 12.8kg, I was hoping to get to 15kg in 4 weeks but I dont think that is going to happen lol

Good luck with your weight loss journey, can't wait to read about your results.
Just remember stay strong, hopefully you can get back into a normal sleep pattern soon.
But also remember that everyone on here will be supporting you :)

Hi AshleyJayne,
Wow you seem to be going GREAT! well done!
Just after reading this... wondered - have you considered vegetables instead of fruit? There is quite a high amount of sugar in fruit, and there has been a lot of study on sugar being worse for your body THAN fat, sugar turns to fat... consider maybe carrots, cucumber, celery, spinach?, steamed broccoli, mushrooms... the list goes on... (and yes, I found the swap hard, but when I read the studies... seemed worth it, i didnt give it all up(and still havent) but I certainly try to 'swap' a bit more )
Just thought as you are already doing so well (and might want a boost, or a new focus) look up clean eating or paleo.
Im not an advocate or anything, or even doing it 100% myself, but I certainly have taken some of their phylisophys on board and they help and sometimes its a lightbulb moment of thinking 'how did we ever think other wise, why are we bred to think like this in the first place" anyway... maye it might help?
And remember to go slow and do it right, otherwise as soon as you come off duromine... it will be way easier for it to slip back on :(
Traveller29 said:
My journey has ended as I ended up collapsing Sunday night (day 4) and went to hospital. I had extremely high blood pressure,hallucinations and vomitting which the doctor said were related completely to the duromine as he had seen it many times over- once I was conscious enough to tell them what medication I was taking (only the duromine).
A bit dissapointed that my weight loss journey with duromine has ended but I will persevere with alternative ways which might be harder and take longer but nonetheless I will be alive.

Oh gosh! that doesnt sound good at all! I hope you are ok now?
Have you consulted with your GP why it happened? Could you consider trying it again and altering the dosage or food intake or anything else that could have contributed (dont get me wrong, stay off if you want/need to, however many people are lovers or haters of duromine, and if your emerg doc was a hater, he might not have given you much information/support to continue?) Just saying... good luck though :)
Hi All. I am on Day 3 taking 30mg
I seem to be a lucky one with barely any side effects (touch wood) and definately seeing the good effects of the drug.
Only side effects so far is slight headaches and dry mouth. Just making sure i drink lots of water (aiming for 3 ltrs a day)
My appetite has decreased, so comfortably having much smaller portions and not feeling hungry between meals. I've always been a big snacker and always needed a big dinner to feel full. Yesterday i had hearty breakfast of weet bix with banana and skim milk followed by an egg on wholemeal toast, garden salad with a small serve of chicken for lunch and only a couple of peices of fruit for dinner. I was really surprised to find that i didn't feel like dinner at all.
With ankle, hip and shoulder problems excersize is a drama for me, which is why my dr prescribed duromine for me to try and reduce my weight before i start an active excersize program. I can manage walking most of the time if my nerves aren't pinching so i hope this will help if taken in conjuction with a controlled diet.
i have one question, does anyone see a problem with going on the VLCD shakes while taking Duromine? I have tried shakes in the past and they have worked, i just never was able to stick with them because i always felt too hungry. I guess i am wanting to give this the best chance of working i possibly can. I have a 10mth old and would love to lose a bit of weight for his 1st birthday which is the end of feb (would love pics from his birthday to be with a slightly less fat mum lol)
Thanks for letting me share, and good luck to everyone else who has started their journey. May we lose lots and lots and lots of weight together ;)

My stats: SW 112.5kgs CW ?? GW 85kgs (going to try and stay away from scales until i reach my 2 week mark. Then i checkin with my dr in 1 mth)
PS I am 167cm and 34. Hoping to reach my goal weight in 6mths.
Goodluck and keep up the good work! I look forward to reading your future posts.
Ok i caved and have been weighing in =) Sooo happy with results so far. Headaches have disappeared and staying well hydrated is helping with the dry mouth feeling. I am thankfull that i am not have sleep issues but when i am awake...i am awake. As soon as i wake up it like.."what can i start doing". The extra energy is fantastic. I have been told though, to not try and push myself so i don't have any "crashes". Now to the exciting part.
My weigh ins have been:
Fri 4th (SW) - 112.5kg
Sat 5th (Started Duromine)
Mon 7th - 111.1kg
Wed 9th (today) - 109.7kg
so a total of 2.8 kgs lost so far with 2 days still to go for my first week. YAAAYYY!!!
Have also noticed a looser fit with my shorts in my waist and butt area (yeah) Happy it's coming off those areas first.
Hello Bancs!
Good to know you do great and that you feel difference in your weight right away. Slight side effects are pretty normal, we all know that already..but my question is what kind of ankle, hip and shoulder problem you have? Is it the joints? If so, you may ask your dr to prescribe you some joint&cartilage supporters. I used to have knee problems all my life (as well as other joints tend to "crackle" all the time) ) , plus I started workouts along with Duromine that time..so I was taking special joint and cartilage complex that is harmless but really helps for joints.
As for VLCD shakes, I think only doctors know the best answer, but I also used to take some before/after workouts between meals (but these were protein shakes mostly). Anyway, I think you can have them, but as brunch, or afternoon snack maybe. Just do not overdo, please) )
All in all I believe you can do it up to your little darling's b-day! Just keep going!
Bancs said:
Ok i caved and have been weighing in =) Sooo happy with results so far. Headaches have disappeared and staying well hydrated is helping with the dry mouth feeling. I am thankfull that i am not have sleep issues but when i am awake...i am awake. As soon as i wake up it like.."what can i start doing". The extra energy is fantastic. I have been told though, to not try and push myself so i don't have any "crashes". Now to the exciting part.
My weigh ins have been:
Fri 4th (SW) - 112.5kg
Sat 5th (Started Duromine)
Mon 7th - 111.1kg
Wed 9th (today) - 109.7kg
so a total of 2.8 kgs lost so far with 2 days still to go for my first week. YAAAYYY!!!
Have also noticed a looser fit with my shorts in my waist and butt area (yeah) Happy it's coming off those areas first.
I'm sorry I didn't see your latest post, but more so I am happy for you even more! Frankly speaking you have now excellent results that few people have! :laughing: Good job!

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