My Duromine Diary- Day 1

  • Author icaniwill1992
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day 1 of Duromine today.

I was 96kg 6 months ago, I got down to 76kg on my own in 5 months with hard work. My weight stalled from then and my hunger was out of control, I went to my doctor for help. They recommended a break from losing weight and to see how I went then come back to them and restart my weightloss (recommended to be 55-66kg - my goal is 63/65kg). My hunger remains high and I tried to lose weight again but really struggled. My doctor recommended Duromine to help with my appetite and to instill good eating habits to set me up for the future.

The old me would use this 3 months to eat as little as possible and probably just gain all the weight back after. But I really want to lose this weight by eating regularly and healthy and continue those habits afterwards to maintain a healthy weight and to set an example for my child. I don’t want her to watch Mum dieting all the time like I did with my Mum. I remember watching my mum binge in private (although I was there) and those habits have been passed to me.

My weight today is 77.6kg and I hope to lose 5kg atleast this months and my ultimate goal is 63-65kg - although the doctor recommended lower, I want to be realistic and don’t think I could maintain lower than 60 happily.
I will eat 3 meals a day at minimum to not mess my metabolism up.

Today is Day 1 for me. I took the tablet at 5:30am, i felt it around 9am where I had extra energy and a dry mouth. I’ll be blogging most days to keep my motivated and track my weightloss weekly.
Sorry if you don’t like reading long posts, I’m a sharer and I want this to look back on and to keep my motivated.

Feel free to share your successes, tips or struggles with me :)


Hey! This is a very good start!
If you've managed to lose 20 kilos on your own, with Duromine you'll definitely achieve any GW:sun: How do you feel today?

BTW, what did you do to get rid of 20 kilos in the past?
April said:
Hey! This is a very good start!
If you've managed to lose 20 kilos on your own, with Duromine you'll definitely achieve any GW:sun: How do you feel today?

BTW, what did you do to get rid of 20 kilos in the past?
Thankyou :) I’m so glad I did some really hard work first rather then going straight to Duromine so now hopefully it’ll help me get to my end goal.
I feel good today. I went to sleep at 9pm and woke at 12:15am was wide awake but tried to relax my mind and I dozed off at 5-5:20am.. and I surprisingly feel fine thank goodness. Hopefully I sleep more tonight.
I’ve heard people say they don’t sleep at all or it took a few day’s to get used to it then they slept fine so I hope I get used to it.
To lose 20kg I worked out 6 times a week and ate between 1100-1500 calories a day. The first almost 3 weeks I ate 800 calories a day but found I was too lethargic and wanted the weightloss to last so I bumped them up to 11-1500 which worked great and allowed me to actually have energy to workout. I did strength training 5 days a week and walked twice a week if I got time.
Are you on Duromine too? How’s it going?
Hi lovely,

We both started on the same day yesterday ~ 11•12•2020. I’m also a mum & I also lost 15kg by myself just before last Christmas. Then I completely plateaued. I struggled to lose even 5kg this whole year, yo-yoed for a while & now I’m exactly the same weight this Christmas as last. I’ve been telling my kids all year that i’m trying to lose weight, with all the running, yoga & dieting. It was so frustrating & I always ended up drowning that frustration in chocolate. Hope we both get over this plateau with the help of Duromine. *hugs*
rainbowicequeencake said:
Hi lovely,

We both started on the same day yesterday ~ 11•12•2020. I’m also a mum & I also lost 15kg by myself just before last Christmas. Then I completely plateaued. I struggled to lose even 5kg this whole year, yo-yoed for a while & now I’m exactly the same weight this Christmas as last. I’ve been telling my kids all year that i’m trying to lose weight, with all the running, yoga & dieting. It was so frustrating & I always ended up drowning that frustration in chocolate. Hope we both get over this plateau with the help of Duromine. *hugs*
Hey :)

how have you been going on it? I weighed myself this morning and have lost 3.1kg already :/ Ofcorse it won’t always be that quick but it’s only been 4 days! That’s crazy. The first 2 nights I didn’t sleep much but last night I slept fine and I feel sleepy At the moment (it’s 3pm) so hopefully I’ll sleep normal now. I’ve been making sure I eat 3 meals a day - although they’re not huge but I don’t want to mess up my metabolism by not eating.
icaniwill1992 said:
Thankyou :) I’m so glad I did some really hard work first rather then going straight to Duromine so now hopefully it’ll help me get to my end goal.
I feel good today. I went to sleep at 9pm and woke at 12:15am was wide awake but tried to relax my mind and I dozed off at 5-5:20am.. and I surprisingly feel fine thank goodness. Hopefully I sleep more tonight.
I’ve heard people say they don’t sleep at all or it took a few day’s to get used to it then they slept fine so I hope I get used to it.
To lose 20kg I worked out 6 times a week and ate between 1100-1500 calories a day. The first almost 3 weeks I ate 800 calories a day but found I was too lethargic and wanted the weightloss to last so I bumped them up to 11-1500 which worked great and allowed me to actually have energy to workout. I did strength training 5 days a week and walked twice a week if I got time.
Are you on Duromine too? How’s it going?
Wow, working out 6 times a week is cool! And it's awesome when you find time for it, especially when you have kids.:heart::heart::heart:
I took Duromine a couple of years ago and it did help me to lose weight. Now I try to eat 5-6 times per day (small portions) and walk as much as possible. Duromine is a great helper when you start changing your eating habits and lifestyle in general.

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