Duromine and Headache



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Mar 26, 2014
Outback nsw
Hi all....I have been on duromine for a few months now and for the last week I've had the worst headaches of my life. I get them every afternoon but now some are coming at lunch. Today it was 930am, I took some pain killers as I was at work and by 1 I had to go home. Could hardly move, vomiting and in so much pain.

I haven't changed anything, still eating the same, drinking the same....unable to do my gym classes as I just can't get out of bed because of these headaches.

Has anyone else had any troubles? I'm going to the doctor in 2 days but thought I would ask you guys too
Hm... Sounds like migraine to me. I also suffered and still suffer from them.
You know it's that kind of headache that is usually localized on one side of your head. Mine - left temple. Yeap - nausea, so bad that makes me wanna puke sometimes(((

If you have the same, then I can tell there's no treatment for that. You can only relieve the pain if you 'catch' the moment it begins. Painkillers are good. Nimesulide if you heard of it then try one.
Coffe is good. But here's what provokes migraines: cheese, dark chocolate, red wine, lack of sleep. :( Although these are just possible factors, no one knows for sure.

You should ask your doctor of course. Hope nothing serious, just reaction to the pills, lack of sleep or home/work routine.
Fingers crossed till your visit to the doc. Good luck TamaraJ and please let us know how it went!
Hi Tamaraj, I get really bad migraines on duromine as well, which forced me to stop taking it. I am back on it now and have found that drinking heaps of water helps a lot. Make sure you have a water bottle by you at all times and drink even if you aren't thirsty. You go to the toilet a lot which is annoying, but better then being stuck in the dark with a migraine and vomiting!
Hey guys I hope I feel better soon otherwise I stop this.I started yesterday,dry mouth a little dizzy.Today it's worse i have a splitting headache i don't know if it's safe to take painkillers i am scared it may interact badly with duromine.My neck is stiff also,probably because of the headache.I just want today to end.
Day3.I feel better today no headache.Had a warm milk before bed and that helped with the headache.Woke up at 2,decided to take the pill at 4 so I can be up btwin 12 and 2.Joko tea made the headache worse yesterday afternoon so none of that from now on.Starting to log my food.
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Day3.I feel better today no headache.Had a warm milk before bed and that helped with the headache.Woke up at 2,decided to take the pill at 4 so I can be up btwin 12 and 2.Joko tea made the headache worse yesterday afternoon so none of that from now on.Starting to log my food.
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Some tea contain caffeine although not as much as coffee. Although I did not have any side effects from coffee some people can not take caffeine while on Duromine as it is a stimulant as well. Try a herbal tea. And just give your body time to get used to the D, it takes a while. And in the end it is really worthwhile. Keep strong;);)
Thanks Aud
Audrey3 said:
Some tea contain caffeine although not as much as coffee. Although I did not have any side effects from coffee some people can not take caffeine while on Duromine as it is a stimulant as well. Try a herbal tea. And just give your body time to get used to the D, it takes a while. And in the end it is really worthwhile. Keep strong;);)
Thanks Audrey,i think my body is now used to it.I was my normal self the whole day.Although I am worried because I am anemic I don't get any cravings,for the whole day i had one carrot
Nina, I found I would forget to eat, so I've been setting my alarm on my phone to go off at the right times throughout the day to remind me to eat :) If I really don't feel hungry, I'll still have some fruit or raw veg :) Just need to keep eating otherwise when you come off and start eating, your body won't be used to it :)
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Thanks Carina i think i will do that, my system is used to it now.I don't want to end up with an eating disorder because I have realised that food makes me fat.So the fact that I don't get appetite appeals to me
nina simone said:
Thanks Aud

Thanks Audrey,i think my body is now used to it.I was my normal self the whole day.Although I am worried because I am anemic I don't get any cravings,for the whole day i had one carrot
You must really try to eat small healthy meals, especially as you say you are anemic. If you do not eat your body will go into "starving mode"and every thing you eat will then be stored as fat.
Ooohhhh i see,i will set an alarm like Carina suggested.And I will Google some healthy meals cos all around me i see bread,pap,and meat...and i don't want to eat like that anymore.
nina simone said:
Ooohhhh i see,i will set an alarm like Carina suggested.And I will Google some healthy meals cos all around me i see bread,pap,and meat...and i don't want to eat like that anymore.
You can start with simple things like fresh fruit, a salad with say some tuna or boiled eggs and yogurt. Don't make it too difficult on yourself, if you feel like trying new recipes it is just great, but otherwise just start with the simple basics;)
Guys please help i forgot to take one this morning,I was rushing we have a function at work th kids have a thing at school too so it was no ordinary day.Will that impede my progress?
nina simone said:
Guys please help i forgot to take one this morning,I was rushing we have a function at work th kids have a thing at school too so it was no ordinary day.Will that impede my progress?
No, I don''t think you need to worry about that. It's not something like antibiotics that you have to complete the course!
Just go ahead as usual tomorrow. The Duromine is already in your system. A lot of people start skipping a day here and there once they are used to it. And DO NOT take a double dose:eek:
Hi everyone,

I just had some questions regarding the side effects of Duromine. I've been on Duromine since Monday. I'm on the 30mg tablet.

Basically, since I have started Duromine, I've been experiencing a range of side effects. I was on anti-depressants, as well as something to control my heart rate due to anxiety (beta blocker - most commonly used for high blood pressure) before I went onto Duromine, so I'm not sure if anything I am experiencing is crossover from that.

Since I started taking the tablet on Monday, I haven't had much sleep - probably a total of about 4-5 hours. I've had a continuous headache that doesn't seem to want to go away. I've been really nauseas - haven't vomitted, but I have just been feeling really sick the whole time. I've been having a few spells of lightheadedness and dizziness, where I feel as if the room is spinning.

Is what I am experiencing considered normal? Is there anything I should be concerned about and perhaps refer to my doctor? I did see him today, but completely forgot to mention the headaches and lightheadedness. My blood pressure was normal and my heart rate wasn't overly high - 98 bpm.

If it is normal, will it improve in the future?

Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!
Hello Kyle

From what I have heard it is quite normal the side effects you are mentioning. Insomnia seems to be the most common. Have a look under the thread "side effects" Kate put a header on there with tips to help with it.

I find that drinking lots and lots of water helps with the headaches. Make sure you eat enough too. Many people suggest 3 to 5 small meals. May help with nausea. And try to stay off caffeine for the time being until it improves.

When I started I had some side effects as well but it got better after a week and by the end of the second week only the dry mouth remained....and still do. But I see that as a GOOD side effect;)

I have also seen a thread about anti depressants. Personally I can not give you any advice there but have a look at the other posts and maybe talk to those people who are in the same situation as you. The people on here are very helpful.

And if in doubt rather go to your doctor. He is the best person to help you.

Hope it improves for you soon;)
Turns out I was starting with a severe middle ear infection, just as I started taking Duromine, so a lot of the effects I was experiencing was probably from that. It last about two weeks of severe nausea, dizziness, etc. I stopped taking Duromine basically the morning after posting this topic, as I woke up even worse. Not entirely sure if I want to attempt it again just yet.
Rather clear it with your Doctor if you are unsure. Better to be safe. But maybe your timing was just bad with the ear infection and all. Good luck and let me know how it goes second time around if you decide to continue:)
Kyle said:
Turns out I was starting with a severe middle ear infection, just as I started taking Duromine, so a lot of the effects I was experiencing was probably from that. It last about two weeks of severe nausea, dizziness, etc. I stopped taking Duromine basically the morning after posting this topic, as I woke up even worse. Not entirely sure if I want to attempt it again just yet.
Cut back on duramine take every second day. I did that at the start for my body to get used to it

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