How to get a Duromine prescription?

Kathryn Bolton

Kathryn Bolton

APD, Anutr, Diabets, IBS

Kathryn Bolton is a dietitian practitioner. She helps people who care about their health and weight to eat better without saving on pleasure! She provides professional advice on healthy eating. The focus is on nutrition for people with diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases. Bachelor’s degree from Queensland University of Technology (Nutrition and Dietetics), member of the Society for Australian Independent Dietitian-Nutritionists (AIDNSoc) and the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).
, reviewed by
– Updated November 23, 2021
  • Can you get a prescription? You can get a Duromine script if:

you have consulted your doctor;
you have no contraindications for its use;

Since Duromine has a number of possible side effects, the sale of Duromine without script at Australian pharmacies is prohibited. The drug should be used under the supervision of your doctor.

You can read reviews and stories about the experience of getting a Duromine prescription on the forum, dedicated to this medication.

Duromine prescription requirements in Australia

Duromine is an anorectic, intended for use in obesity treatment in combination with diet and physical activity.

Duromine can be prescribed to minors aged 12 and more (for adolescents with obesity) and to adults up to 64 years old to reduce body weight, starting from the first-degree obesity, i.e., with a body mass index (BMI) of 30, or a BMI of 25 in the presence of risk factors, such as:

controlled hypertension;
increased cholesterol levels and others.

When receiving advice and a prescription, be sure to tell your doctor:

If you are allergic, especially to phentermine;
What medications you are currently taking;
If you had cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, or diabetes;
For women – if you are planning to become pregnant or are already pregnant, or breastfeeding;
Have or have had mental problems – hyperexcitability, depression, and others.

Is it possible to get Duromine script online?

Advancements in technology continue to revolutionize the healthcare landscape, notably in enhancing accessibility to health services. It’s essential to explore the feasibility of telehealth services, as the terms of service can differ subject to specific state or territory regulations.

In today’s digital age, prescribing medication has evolved, with many prescriptions now being authorized, dispatched, and processed electronically. Numerous pharmacies now accommodate e-prescriptions, streamlining the process and making it more convenient for patients.

For instance, if weight loss medication such as Duromine is necessary, the prescription can be conveniently forwarded via SMS, email, or QR code. This digital transition not only simplifies the process but also aids in maintaining social distancing norms during pandemics, promoting a safer approach to health management.

Who cannot get prescription on weight loss pills Duromine?

As mentioned above, there are medical contraindications for obtaining a prescription and taking Duromine.

Also, patients with the following diseases are not allowed to get Duromine drug:

high blood pressure;
coronary insufficiency;
arrhythmia and other heart diseases;
the cardiovascular system disorders;
some diseases of the thyroid gland;
mental illness such as anorexia and depression;

The Duromine prescription will not be available to those who:

is already taking weight loss products or have been taking MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks;
is taking or have been taking drugs and alcohol.

Duromine is used to treat obesity and overweight, which can lead to severe illnesses. Therefore it will not be prescribed for those who only want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

You can get a detailed discussion and factual tips on getting a prescription for Duromine on this Duromine forum.

  • What do I tell the doctor to get a prescription?

Please visit your physician and:

Explain to him that it is hard for you to lose weight even if you eat properly and exercise regularly;
Tell him about your health problems (if you have any) due to which Duromine is contraindicated for you, discuss with him the possibility of taking these medical conditions under control;
Be sure to tell that you are aware of all the advantages and risks and that you made a clear decision to use Duromine.

If you do not know how to get a doctor to prescribe Duromine, perhaps friends or mates who have already received a prescription will help you.

They may recommend a doctor who will listen to you more carefully and agree with your reasoning that using the drug to aid weight loss would be in your best interest.

Doctors who prescribe Duromine (Melbourne)

If your physician does not listen to your reasons, and you are still looking for a doctor in Melbourne, we recommend you first visit our community –  Doctors and Clinics thread, to read the reviews and working conditions of many medical weight loss specialists.


Acquiring a Duromine prescription requires a comprehensive health assessment by a healthcare provider. Although it’s a powerful weight loss aid, Duromine is not suitable for everyone. Always consult a medical professional to understand its potential benefits and risks, remembering that true weight management is a long-term commitment involving lifestyle changes, not just medication. Online resources can guide you, but never substitute professional medical advice.


8 thoughts on “How to get a Duromine prescription?”
  1. Hey y’all. I’m planning to consult my doc about getting a Duromine prescription. Just feeling a bit anxious. Can someone share their experience?

    • I just made sure to be completely honest about my struggles with weight loss, the efforts I’ve been making with diet and exercise, and how I believe Duromine could help me. Remember, they’re there to help you!

    • Hey Emily, just wanted to share my experience. My doc was super understanding and supportive. We had a thorough discussion about my lifestyle, diet, exercise, and he asked me why I wanted to try Duromine. Be prepared for a detailed discussion. Best of luck!😊

  2. I didn’t know it was possible to get the script online. This certainly makes things a lot easier given the current situation.

  3. I got my prescription online and it was a breeze. The important thing is to be truthful about your health conditions, folks. You don’t want to end up with complications. Stay safe!

  4. Anyone here from Melbourne? Looking for recommendations for doctors who are receptive to prescribing Duromine. 🙏

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